I agree with you sir, in principle. But to Blame Angela Merkell is a bit far fetched.
London suffered several previous IS attacks going back as far as 2005, when they blew up buses and tube trains.
What Islamists (and all others) need to do is respect our culture or get to hell out. If I went to Iran, Iraq, Syria UAE, etc. I am expected to adhere to the laws and cultures of whatever country i am visiting. The same standards should be enforced in the UK.
I am resident in Northern Ireland where it is a criminal offence to cover your face to conceal your identity, has been the case for decades. This could easily be extended UK wide.
While I only mention one area where existing laws should be used to force visitors to comply. I'm sure there are several other laws of the land which could be drawn upon to make cultural respect more prominent.
If respect is not forthcoming, Deport immediately, no appeal no cries of human rights etc
Thank you. Understandable that it isn't entirely her fault and I do mention that in the post. Actually, one could go back to the 1960's and 1970's when the French-controlled Algeria, and allowing in North Africans.