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RE: Terrorism in American Cities and Liberty

in #terrorism8 years ago

I appreciate your polite response as well.

I think a lot of these differences come down to differences in personality.

I hold a great deal of importance in the concept of liberty. For people to hold opinions that would restrict my liberty is fine, but when they take action to put that policy into reality, then I consider it a matter of self-defense to deal with them appropriately.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact

Some ideologies such as leftism and islam are inherently hostile to liberty. I certainly don't think we should eliminate everyone who holds those beliefs, but when they organize for action against my freedom...

Finally, I don't have much respect for the idea of equality. Stupid people will never be equal to smart people in some areas; the same holds for handsome/ugly, hardworking/lazy, irresponsible/responsible. etc etc.

Any attempts to make people equal require State involvement, with all the rent-seeking and favor-dispensing that apllies, including those things that you we see clearly with racists attacking free speech and political gatherings such as in Chicago and San Jose, with the full backing of the Democrat party