Tesla the stock to short!

in #tesla2 months ago

Hi Hivers,

We all want things go to the moon but be aware that you also can get rich when things go down the drain.

As the titel says such a chance to earn a lot is obvious at this moment. I am sure on reddit people are discussing the same! Tesla is a stock with a lot ( a real lot) of grwoth expectations included in its value. But there will be no more growth!

As we speak the reactions on social media and product videos of Tesla are really killing. I will name a few quotes I see:

  • Is the new model Model SS ?
  • Who buys a car of a fascist ?
  • Democrats do not buy Tesla .
  • Buy your Tesla bumpersticker now.


And more serious, the Tesla megafactory in Berlin received a projection at night with Elon doing his hitler greeting and a text "Heil Tesla" next to it.

Where ever you stand in this it is not going to help the Tesla sales at all.
If you slash out at Canadians like Trump and Elon do, do you think this will not trigger a reaction? Buyers might fear for their car being scratched!



*Yes I shorted the stock already myself! *


Looking to buy more on a dip!
Optimus robots will change the world, better be ready for it.

Still short?

Yes . 1 contract expiring mid may 2025 exercise 355USD. I had a 20% gain already but that went out yesterday to +5% but now the time factor will decrease the value further unless the stockvalue goes down again. Bummer but no worries. Think I will keep it till the end.

Bad earnings but price refused to go down.
Sign of strenght, may continue up.
We will see.

Now at 208,86% return or 4851 EURO profit

Nice, well done!

This guy trades on emotion . It won’t end well.