Check this out yeah, wait one, let me find it - stand by, its one of my inventions, but from stream of consciousness writing, wrote it, pretty sure i was LIT af when i came up with the idea, was probably after hours chilling with the UK team or something, will find it, its pretty cool, was going to email it to you at some stage, but fuck it, have it for free world, i dont care, have lots of ideas
Its not perfect, but you can see where i was going with the concept
One sec, gotta go through my archives
Ahh shit, no i dont have it actually, it was Maddison Sentinel (Named after the client - was talking with her, hung up the phone, and she had inspired the idea)
Really hard to delve into my memory for this, i deleted this one, so its not on my archives,
Basically, the concept was, that Tesla, could invent, black box style technology, to both install in their vehicles, but also sell as an off shoot product right, which then, for code 0 liability, could use smart contracts to instant authorize tentatively payments in the insurance space, Allianz were briefly, toying with similar concepts back in the first bull run back in 17, for luggage and such in the payment space, so it was kind of a meshpot of those ideas, then like, combine it with dashcam, algorithmic overlay kind of stuff yeah, but no i dont have those records, not sure if i had anything else that was relevant to you, let me look
But no, i dont have Maddison Sentinel tech, well, i do, in my head, but i dont have the actual blueprint document anymore, dont remember why i deleted that one? probably for security, it was black vault stuff
Here, have this, this, is also Black Vault tech - and i was absoutley, drunk as a mother fucker when i wrote this, i will upload the original document for you - take with a grain of salt though, this was written a long long time ago, it was a deep dive stream of consciousness writing, written, LIT af people - grain of salt*
Original Document:
Title of Document: What in fact am i talking about
Acceptance Rate
Number of Files Quality Time to Convert
Risk TPD
Monitoring Recoverability
AR is the positive variable of all the associated claim manager KPI variables.
From a technical standpoint, the claims manager is essentially trying to optimize all these facts, by ensuring all processes are executed, file monitoring occurs, however.
When we look at, or well, shall I say when we actually look at the day to day of that, its more reactionary, philosophically there are actually two algorithms.
And its not that complicated really, one is reactionary, one is invisible.
So, as a business metric, this section of the engine, is its own turbine if you will, what gets inputted, to a large degree, of what defines the output, while the numbers of the permutations of that, are at times quite varied,
I Pause to consider, does the true concept of green fields actually destroy the field, eventually, we try and think about not thinking about a concept, yet long enough, and certain things are apparently I suppose, I digress.
If we assume, a 1 for 1 interval of points here, then as a demographic break down, in correlation with the various points monitored, and the compositions of those points, then we can define what would not be strictly considered a “demographic chart” but rather an, well, I suppose it is a demographic chat, but not in the traditional sense, one imagines, let us say that we gave our scenarios and circumstances a name, and then just our member of the public a name, and then overlayed them on top of one another.
So, Mr Pretty Recoverable
Hit in Rear – Ready to Answer / Call In – Full TP Details – 7 Day Hire
Mr Johnnie Walker
Has had a hit in rear accident, wants to answer now, has all information to hand
Two very simplistic examples, but to that end, one can discuss the concept of them, essentially, on a greater level through condensing the characteristics to numerical variables, by way of, associated notes.
1 = Hit in Rear
2 = Wants to answer
3 = Has all information
4 = No Reception Issues
5 = Time of day
And so on and so forth, this is strictly speaking, for the practical sense, of how many variables there are, and how one might think about inputting it into, excel, or categorize in any meaningful way, how you characterize or define, your units, units being, aspects of the demographic charts, then gives you the multitude of your permutations of overlaying scenarios.
This, is actually not terribly complicated to do, as upon even mental entry, of these factors, you begin to see or feel the weighting of these variables.
Without getting to heavy into the nuances of that, as it is quite a “heavy” mental subject, it is often the case, if we understand the flow of the data to eventuate, data in – data out, one would presume, the sales & marketing aspect, above the “turbine” … for visual reference lets call that section a fan,
What the fan blows in, is what it will blow out.
Now usually, when Compass will think about this concept, we then of course, immediately go to a sub level of thinking, all respective to ourselves and all the various nuances of our understanding of the part we tend to, which is exactly what one would do.
However, the concept of and in itself, is actually, the sum total, of all the collective nuances of those parts.
So, the sales person can be aware, of spatial industry factors, the importance of a referrer, how they like to interact, perhaps any insight they have about competitors in an area, etc, all of thse things can be expanded upon.
Claims handler might understand the need for a specific rego, in a specific scenario, where as not in others, or, where to skip an area of claim form, or not, depending on client sensitivities.
I wont go on, save for parchment, you get it, I don’t need to belabour the point, you know all the various things you all know.
The claims manager role, functional, KPI’s are essentially an attempt to balance the fan.
Often, when we think about solving problems, the question Is what is the problem.
And when we address it like, we have this problem with sales funnel, we have this problem with claims funnel, we have this problem with on hire, recoveries, and then have questions surrounding that, and all those sorts of things,
I don’t think we have a problem at all,
I just don’t think its ever been mapped, or thought about, because its actually really quite challenging to, I wouldn’t say there are thousands and thousands of variables, there are, but in a practical sense I would say you could get it down to a few hundred, if you really tried, and then that’s a map.
The challenge is, as you define your two demographic charts, what percentage of business viability do you have? By that virtue, its very challenging to get exactly the right two demographics to line up in the credit hire industry, purely by the nature that a motor vehicle accident, is, random chaotic causality.
But we know, we can define good claim algorithms and demographics.
So, this is to say, if the weight of everything can be measured, then in principle, in principle, a series of both perfect, and preferred archetype scenarios and demographic client exist.
Now that, those two demographic charts, the scenario and the client, we will then call an Archetype.
Then, lets change that wording, that Archetype, is the product.
“I am selling to the REF, I am giving you $100 for the, hit in rear, parked unattended, no disputing changing lanes, oh sorry, we are not selling, im hesitant to write it, because murphy’s law I will get it tomorrow, so, oh, we are not selling a jet plane accidentally crashing into the Kremlin and ending a war an corruptive dictatorship today whilst damaging a parked corolla” … see what I did there, murphys law, say it will happen #reduceukrainesinvoncenience anyway.
Now, all political satire humour there aside, it does, actually, at that point give us a idea of what were selling,
But ! going back to earlier points.
We don’t have a problem, because that’s, not what we are selling !
We are selling, the concept of all those things, with a lot of corners and caveats along the way, full service not at fault hire car, pending eligibility, and all other various factors, and what we sell, I love, its great, it simply reaches, the aspect of the claim manager KPI – without, an adherence to the factors, of the product prior, will result in, the “reactionary” mode of what I am calling, fighting the fan.
When most of us try and solve the problem most of the other things we start thinking about, are aspects of the products.
Because, there are two functions, reaction and as I said earlier invisible,
So then how do you solve that problem?
What problem ?
What im talking about here, is that we often cross over, on different aspects, that when you start to extrapolate them, results in a different variation on the modality, of running a credit hire business.
So, to not sound like this is overly fancy or attempting to be, we all say “quality is key” at the moment, which is true, quality, in reality, pretty hard to do sometimes, to be blunt.
In our traditional, current format, of existence, I would say to a certain extent, the sales function becomes limited B2B because, there is only so much pre-validation one can reasonably expect of a partner, they after all, have a business to run themselves, however, as commissions are being artificially raised through industry behaviour it does beg the question to what degree that may now potentially be able to be expanded, but that is not the purpose of this.
The question is, if we use the product map, do certain algrothims exist, that could be run in isolation, absolutely,
Certain modes of functionality, or credit hire business configuration, will, by their own design, have their own pro and con, but, It does exist, in a realm, if none other than academic theory, that it stands to reason, permutations can be broken down, into demographic architypes, the question then is the funnel, do you use people, do you use AI like I always look at to solve these logistic questions.
Well for me, AI and Automation always seem to be the most logical progression, efficiency, and reduced moving parts, however, this is about addressing the scenario as it is, not as one might deviate to it.
So, if we then overlay, the two modalities of structure, again, over each other, matches, become viable, and the question then really, in understanding that our current modality of function, articulation and manual validation points, will be the only variable that we may adjust, but it cant ever be adjusted entirely as the modality itself, has no inert qualifying aspect to its data by nature of causality.
It can and is, to an extent, with partners that are more flexible.
So as that is the case, does there inherently reach, a point, of all these variables, that eventually create a clear map of an alternative pathway, for each pathway, is their a variable 100% perfect KPI that is possible on either? Probably, but practically, probably not.
So then how does ever one stop that or change that, until it is? In principle that should be the goal, and every time I think about it, its shift UVP, Comms, Marketing, AI & Automation
You don’t have to it that way though, my mind just goes to AI and Automation because, efficiency wise, why would I want to do it, when AI could, I could then put my mind to something much more important, which, you have to admit is not a totally insane line of logic, if I can make money by doing something, or doing nothing, what am I going to do? Well let it do that, and I will go off and do something else.
Scientifically that’s correct, challenging in a capitalist scenario, so then I understand why many people at Compass, actually, would be quite adverse to any discussion on these things to be honest, like what am I Oppenheimer now? AI claims processing, automated data entry, ping networks for claim registration searches? Wonderful, your so clever you invented that, now 80% of the industry is in reduced work force because not everyone is as altruistic as you Ben, good job.
True, do I genuinely, believe, that if by some degree of success I was successful, would it not result in a reduced work force, and people made redundant.
It could do, probably would, and one would ask, including yourself, does that not bother you? Well, it wouldn’t, because I try and diversify to not have to worry about those sorts of things, but for the regular person, could be a large problem, but I truly don’t see a scenario in which these technologies may present themselves and these evolutions occur.
It will happen, claims handlers, telephone operators, recoveries agents, to a certain degree, whether we necessarily like it or not, are going to have a reduced work force due to AI.
You know what, the same is true of many of our clients as well.
I feel it simple to say after that, I have many thoughts, concerns, and opinions on all things, AI, the good, the bad, the concerning, on that topic, it does concern me, in many ways, and I could elaborate on all those points and this would get very philosophical and political, however,
Is it going away, no, are all those points valid, yes, so well, we have to have it.
Now, the frightening and resentful nature of such thoughts, really, is a political one, and how will a business guide itself on ethics, with said technology of this type, that – is a reality for all businesses of this age, and will, come down entirely to the Director, of whatever business.
I.e. we will, use technology for this, we wont use technology for that, essentially, consideration for its employees tenured.
The question is, what pandoras box does this set in to play to unemployed, or those seeking roles, big ones, it’s a big, social, political, issue, we all have to think about, as a species to be perfectly honest, how we are going to live in a world with advanced technology, that could on the one hand liberate us, and on the other, destroy us, well – it – is – going –to happen,
So as a business, you look at that landscape and its like, ok – how and by what means am I steering this ship,
Well, for us, the crew, its always a matter of, is everything sorted, am I fine in life, and how do I do that, financially, etc, that’s a question only one or the other can make, and I cant pretend how to eliminate that problem, given how AI proliferation, may affect society, I may be clever, but I believe tackling the topic of fundamental world change, is rather beyond the scope of a late night word document.
What I do believe, and know, is that the usage of technology, comes down to that of the individual using it, and while I wish for no loss of employment, I can’t ignore the fact that it is a reasonable thing to do, to want to arm your business, with the latest technology possible, that has relevant trajectory,
I have certainly come a long way from stream of consciousness thinking about the claims manager KPI’s through to now, but all of it begs merit, a much denser topic than I initially considered, it fundamentally annoys me, seeing the two modalities and finding it hard to actualize an alternative.
The reactionary solution seems so, random, it’s the nature of running around putting out spot fires, random chaos everywhere, and then there are these elegant solutions that exist between concepts, and technology, and I am incapable of seeing a building pathway, which begs the question, if I am doing it, how long until someone else is, and that seems like an inevitability.
Yeah, we need like Raytheon of credit hire tech, most amusing.
Otherwise I laugh and im like, got some poor dude on hold, claims handlers on a phone, emails to eyeballs, some senior is like yelling “call waiting” in chat, dudes TP got no insurance, just the chaotic nature of our lives, all the busy bee stuff going on during the day, and then there is just like this elegant maths equation on the other side, and were all here banging away,
Like I know we say work smarter not harder, this day and age, you have to work, smarter, every time you work smarter not harder to make sure you still got cash flow, haha.
So, from that stand point it’s a good UAX, database tableset of data, and designing a good customer experience with attention to details.
What if, instead I never saved this, and focused on the bigger problems, if you can see the issue at one level, to comment issues of a higher, then just the same as this entire rant, should I not be looking at the higher levels, society level,
Yes, ok Ben, your going into politics and will assist in addressing the problems of a post AI economic society…. This is how you help credit hire colleagues and gain positive acceptance rate….
…… Good evening Australia, this is Senator Kinnear here, glass of scotch and a cigarette in hand listening to some rando jazz funk music, so um, basically, capitalism doesn’t work in a post ai society, we have a problem ! also … please have your TP details and claim number to hand.
Some clients looking at me like …. Bruh, im trying to get a hire car to get my kid from school …
Can you imagine a scenario in which that does actually happen, some guy at a credit hire company gets so interested in solving the KPI equations he ends up like re shaping the entire world to solve some arbitrary problem with a hire car claim … go for it Compass, haha,
Anyway, im off to the pub for lunch, then back, and scope the job boards, then chillax with some Lost Ark,