Nikola Teslas DEATH RAY… WTF?!

in #tesla7 years ago


Tesla Death Ray

While much is still not known about this secretive man, who was well ahead of his time and if I may say -- extremely unappreciated for his many contributions to the world we live in today… But it is safe to say Mr. Tesla was hell bent on the wireless transmission of power to any point on the planet -- not a small feat for the early 1900's.

And like many great minds (i.e.., Albert Einstein), Nikola Tesla was completely anti-war.., and by trying to develop what is known as The Death Ray, a device that in his mind would but an end to war, because of its ability to wipe out whole armies, squadrons of fighter planes and ships, with a simple wireless transmission of power, leaders of countries would not be so quick to go to war -- it would be futile.

But for every gentle mind of a pacifist, there is an evil one lurking in the background… If Tesla's idea behind the Death Ray being such a powerful weapon it would in essence deter anyone thinking of going to war.., there were other more diabolical minds that seek to obtain this kind of superior technology to do just the opposite -- they would not hesitate to go to war, knowing victory would be eminent and they could dominate their enemies.., and the globe.

Just like the team of scientists that were behind the invention of the atomic bomb, bore the blood of all those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and any future use of such a weapon… Nikola Tesla, if his invention of the so-called Death Ray was to ever come to fruition and fall into the wrong hands -- evil hands, whether that be Germany (Hitler), the the USSR or the United States -- he would bare the blood of all the lives lost to such a profoundly destructive weapon.

Surely, technology that could power a weapon of this magnitude, would be sought after by the leaders of countries.., especially with WWII looming. And this only adds more mystery to one of the greatest minds that ever lived. Nikola Tesla was found dead in his hotel room in The New Yorker Hotel in NYC.., and some theorize that he was murdered, so the that the technology behind the Death Ray could be stolen… Some say, his nephew, a Serbian with ties to the communist party of the day, was the first to find his uncle dead and broke into a safe in the room and stole all the documents and returned to Serbia with them… But, his nephew claims that by the time he got to the the hotel room, his uncles body and this highly sought after documents already removed…

So who removed those documents.., and where are they, are questions that are still being asked today… And was the Death Ray more than a myth… And if so, could this point to the the murder of Nikola Tesla… With the arms race heating up, even before WWI, Nikola Tesla supposedly received many requests from the world powers of the time, to buy this deadly technology for as much as 30 million dollars…

Some believe all the answers to these questions lie in the museum that was created in his name, in Serbia -- that the archives contain all this missing documents, but they are not accessible to the public… But if these documents do exist, why has such a weapon not been displayed or even used, since the time of his death… With such a powerful weapon at your fiber tips, it would surely lead to a global domination, for whichever nation held its secrets…


Or is it just a myth…

With all the divisiveness that exists todays world, it would be hard to imagine, if the technology that Nikola Tesla had rummaging around in his head, did actually exist, that it would not be used for total global domination. With the destruction of whole cities at the fingertips of the holder of this kind of technology, with no means of stopping it -- it would be a weapon of mass destruction like no other…

In the time of Nikola Teslas death (1943), NYC was crawling with spies from all over the world -- companies that were fronts for the Soviets, high level Nazi spies.., and of course, since Mr. Tesla was in the middle of NYC on American soil, the FBI… Is it possible that one of these groups of highly trained killers were responsible for the death of Nikola Tesla.., and that a heart condition, that was supposedly the reason for his death, just fiction… And if so, with all these secretive organizations involved, at the highest level of government, will we ever know the truth behind Mr. Teslas death…

And if Nikola Tesla was murdered, could the objective have been, not to bring this weapon to fruition, but to squash it.., knowing that in the wrong hands, the destruction it could reap would create a different world… And if so, which of these world powers would have the hindsight and the forbearance not to develop such a weapon… But could Teslas notion, that if each nation had access to such a weapon, it would ensure, no nation could ever be attacked…

Will we ever know if the Death Ray was for real… Was Nikola Tesla murdered… Or did all the answers to these questions die, back in 1943.., the day Nikola Tesla, himself -- died...

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May he continue to rest in peace

robbery of wealth in various ways.
a conspiracy can kill characters or even change history.
thanks to upvote

It certainly can...

Awesome post. Tesla was a true genius, no doubt about it.

Thanks @rarebooksleuth -- He sure was...

Great men with a great vision many didn't knew about it

So much mystery surrounds this great man...

The question that arises strongly is why real science is hidden.From this point of view I am sure that history is false

Wow nicely don man

Well is the first time i hear about tesla being murdered, who makes such a claims spread this rumours?

TPTB do not needed to kill tesla he was already discredited in his last years

for the tesla papers some about that history can be found at the fbi page.

worth the reading at fbis page :)

i do like the image that you choose here, i have it stored next to others of him.. did you know this photo was one of the first photos to be edited?. it is two photos, one with the rays , and one separatedly with tesla on the chair. was combined to make this type of "post card"