@klye's Account Balance:
1.000 STEEM
$0.900 SBD

🤖 @Tippy - STEEM & SBD Text-to-Tip Service - by @KLYE 🤖
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )

@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem

@tippy -b

@tippy balance

@klye's Account Balance:
0.901 STEEM
$0.000 SBD

🤖 @Tippy - STEEM & SBD Text-to-Tip Service - by @KLYE 🤖
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )

@tippy vote

@tippy vote

I had to change to the Opera browser... before I could log on again. Firefox for Debian was having issues, which might have been "waiting to upgrade" issues.

No Idea.

Just saw you're having issues and figured I'd let you know what I could. ;)


@tippy vote

@steem-global Got a -779500.00%
Votes are random number generated unless you've
Got the power of the tip perk subscription on your account!
Then they will be 100% all the time (Just kidding, no tip perks)

🤖 @Tippy - STEEM & SBD Text-to-Tip Service - by @KLYE 🤖
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )