
!sbi status

Hi @netizens!

  • you have 7 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 1242195959970 or 0.582 $
  • as you did not write a post within the last 7 days, your comments will be upvoted.
  • you need to wait until your upvote value (current value: 0.023 $) is above 0.239 $

Thanks for all your effort, guys.
!sbi status Love from @yelbosco!

Hi @yelbosco!

  • you have 3 units and 1 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 124813845358 or 0.058 $
  • you need to wait until your upvote value (current value: 0.012 $) is above 0.012 $