This is pure wrong. FLAGGING is meant to be used on people who are misusing the platform by posting bad, stolen or illegal content. It is ONLY acceptable for us to support people who USE flagging if they use it for the reasons for which flagging was intended. If you were here at the beginning you would know we had flsggin AND downvoting early on and the community came to the conclusion that such downvoting is destructive to steemit and alienates people. This is WHY WE USED FLAGGING -- Because flagging illegal or abusive material is the ONLY form of punishment this platform should offer.
When you play the game of political correctness to give the "right" to downvote quality content, you are walking a thin line to suicide and killing the platform along with yourself.
Hint: we dont need to grow to a billion users tomorrow. Hell we dont need to even focus on the number of users....but should focus instead on the QUALITY of their contributions to steem. In these early days, people should not be surprised if those individuals like myself who have been creating quality content for the community who built the tech that makes sreem possible years before steem was even born...should be expected to receive larger payouts as we have become trusted to use the money to improve the platform by those whales who will upvote us!
its entitlement like this thats the reason we have to get rid of n^2 and make a conscious effort to downvote low quality, pretext content
Also, pretty ridiculous that one user is telling others how theyre allowed to vote.
users were always allowed to downvote whatever they want. "flags" have never existed on the blockchain. As ive said elsewhere, the current design of the UI is akin to ballot tampering. Attempting to stop people from using their vote by misrepresenting what it really is.
then quit i guess. If you think youre entitled to a huge amount of money for pics of ham and don't think anyone ought to have the right to vote against that, its probably not the best platform for you. Obvi, i don't want people to quit, but downvotes are a part of the system (and an essential part at that). If you really dislike the system that much there's a ton of other SM platforms without voting/downvoting.
Certainly, if you think there is enough in the reward pool to pay you a full time salary to post pictures of ham, at least right now that isn't the case... the reward pool and the price of steem won't support it. At least, not without forcing everyone else to go without any significant rewards.
There has been a change in the platform. They updated the wording for 'flagging' to make it more along the lines of a downvote. Users are allowed to flag/downvote over "disagreement over rewards". There is also an open GitHub issue (opened by the Steemit dev team) to change the UI back to 'downvote' instead of flag.
I absolutely agree with you @officialfuzzy On everything. It should report abit for misuse of flags.
I totally agree with you im tired of being downvoted for no reason ! I worked hard on my Steemit Ham Supper tonight only to have it flagged 3 or4 times for absolutely no reason !!! Im already only posting part time because of all of this and of course the smooth couldnt wait to downvote me again FOR QUALITY , ALL ORIGINAL PHOTOS AND CONTENT !!! IM PISSED !!!👎👎👎