Just testing this app

in #test6 years ago


About an hour later, an email hits Chief's inbox: \You have been selected as a juror on a website quality dispute. Download the evidence here. You have three days to submit your decision".

Similar email are received by Benito, a programmer from Cusco and Alexandru, from Romania, who had also activated their pinakion for the dispute. They were selected randomly from a pool of almost 3,000 candidates.

They will never know each other, but they will collaborate to settle the dispute between Alice and Bob.

On the bus back home, Chief analyzes the evidence and votes who is right.

Two days later, after the three juries have voted, Alice and Bob receive an email: \The jury has ruled for Alice.

The website was not delivered in accordance to the terms and conditions agreed by the parties. A smart contract has transferred the money to Alice".

Jurors are rewarded for their work and the case is closed. 4 Project Des