
Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: philipnbrown
Receiving Account: philipnbrown
New sending account balance: 94969
New receiving account balance: 94969
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b430d327c767c100b75ed4a13f038b01ecec85f8
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: philipnbrown
Receiving Account: philipnbrown
New sending account balance: 94969
New receiving account balance: 94969
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b430d327c767c100b75ed4a13f038b01ecec85f8
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: philipnbrown
Receiving Account: philipnbrown
New sending account balance: 94969
New receiving account balance: 94969
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b430d327c767c100b75ed4a13f038b01ecec85f8
Thanks for using POCKET! MasterPocket is running this confirmer code.