I don't really think that is what this is trying to accomplish. I agree that the early adopters earned the stake and influence that they have, and I oppose anything that aims to take that away in a way that is not fair to the original stakeholders.
The overall intention is to find a way for the platform to scale to a larger user base, where it is not just the early adopters running the show.
Also to note is this current test is just an experiment. It is not a permanent change, and it is being done voluntarily by the stakeholders themselves.
You must really want that abit witness vote ;)
Here is the fact: downvoting by abit is an experiment doomed to fail. If he intends only to do this for a short period...why try it at all?
Like i said before...i do legitimate work posting to this platform where for THE FIRST TIME in years i actually get paid for my work. And because my sacrifice has earned some backing from whales, it is considered unfair by abit to the point where he will FLAG my content? There is a reason why it is called flagging---it is meant to warn people that this person MAY be misusing the platform. Am i doing this? To those who know me...it should be insane to think this.
It is precisely these halfassed, partially-thought-through ideas that hurt this platform.
Just because abit can run a frigging witness and code doesnt mean he has the skightest clue about the psychology of incentivizing loyalty to the project.
Hint abit: if you want steem price to go back up...maybe you shouldnt have sold so much steem so early on when some of us were using what we were EARNING to try to continue improving the platform!
Abit will not stop my work. Ive done it for FREE for a long time before he could rape me in the ass here on steem...
I guess abit thinks i dont deserve what whales who upvote me want to give. Ill say this though...the last people you want to shit on are the ones who will do their work for free....because its THEY who will hold up the platform when terrible decisions like abits "test" have pushed away all the people who started actually gaining traction.
Is it obvious to anyone else that abit doesnt know what its like to have to rely on upvotes of people who deservedly trust him in order to get paid for his work? Must be nice sitti g in the ivory witness tower. He acts like hes givi g power back to the people??? I say he gives his steempower away then instead of trashing mine. I mean after all his job is largely automated while mine actually requires consistent work.