Just to help out, then CND AI Bot has been live and I have been using... I had the same struggle in how to get it set up..
You will need 2 things:
Telegram (which is where the AI bot will communicate) - install it on your computer or mobile phone
Wallet that will show you CND tokens for to validate your ownership of the token
How to gain access: https://cindicator.gitbooks.io/cindicatorbot/content/sds.html
You will need to move the tokens into MetaMask, Mist, MyEtherWallet, Parity
I use Metamask Wallet (make sure after fees that you have 5000 minimum for Beginner)
You need to send a message to Bot (afterward)
Follow the instructions with Cindicator Bot
If you need step by step:
This would go from all from buying (through coin exchange like Binance) to moving it to wallet
I wrote on another comment on @cryptokristof's post... hope this helps