Hiçbir aile mükemmel değildir. Hepimizin kendi benzersiz yollarımızda kırılmışlığımız, kusurlarımız olmuştur. Hayatta nerede olursanız olun, zorluklar ve mücadeleler illa ki olacaktır. Ancak bir ailenin desteği, sevgisi ve koruması her çocuk için hayati önem taşımaktadır. UNUTMA, HER ÇOCUĞUN BİR AİLEYE İHTİYACI VARDIR !
Sizler de @TFGC ailesiyle birlikte büyüyüp, güzel şeyler başarmaya hazırsanız, @steemit topluluğuna ve birbirimize destek olmak için bize katılın. Arkadaşlarınızı davet etmeyi unutmayın!
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TFGC Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TEAMTFGC
TFGC Curation Trail : https://steemauto.com/dash.php?trail=tfgc&i=1
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No family is perfect. We've all been broken in our own unique ways, we've had flaws. Wherever you are in life, the struggles and challenges will be yours. But support for a family, love and protection is vital for every child.DON'T FORGET,EVERY CHILD NEEDS A FAMILY !
If you want grow up with the @TFGC family and are ready to do good things, join us to support the @steemit community and each other. Don't forget to invite your friends!
TFGC Discord : https://discord.gg/MuegYdC
TFGC Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TEAMTFGC
TFGC Curation Trail : https://steemauto.com/dash.php?trail=tfgc&i=1
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I am proud to be part of the team. #TFGC for #LIFE
Always and always...
We will always be proud of being part of the team. #intfgcwetrust
We will always be proud of being part of the team. #intfgcwetrust
@TFGC is the best...
@tfgc you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!