“Winning is not essential but the way is.”
Speeches of Dr. Somyod Anantaprayoon, President of WHA - Source: Forbes Thailand
To win or not is not important. The point is that you have to love what you do. And do it for love. You will be happy on the way to success.

1). Change to do what love Imagine what you want to do. Then changed to do. Life will be happier.
2). If you can not change it really Let's love what you do. Look at the advantages of it. Maybe you will find that the job It's not bad, it's good, But you never thought of the good of it.
If you look good, we will see that our bowl of noodles is much better."


Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something.

Most importantly, inside of us have Passion.
If that is what we love No matter what the problem, we can go through.
Because the heart is loved and passionate about what to do.
We have failed in some ways. In order to find that is not what we love.
And that makes us try something new until we find out. Which of our dreams is a passion?
It's what makes us want to wake up every morning to do it.
This is what drives us to overcome obstacles and problems.
And that will enable us to succeed.