Holy Moses this thing is a rabbit hole, haha! There are like a zillion platforms all going off at the same time? I guess?? How... ok... how do I even... K, I have to learn how to organize this thing.
Also, I see what you're saying about not uploading too much in one day, but someone else, maybe @acidyo was talking about 500SP giving you the ability to make multiple posts and replies? Is that ... what's the pro/con list for 1 post per day vs. 3 a day or something, especially if it's original content (aka, I had another thought I kinda wanted to post. Sure I could do it tomorrow, still relevant, but it was cute n short?)?
Thank you, again - I'm pretty sure this huge welcome mat I've discovered was laid out by you....
well there certainly isn't any kind of hard rule against posting multiple times per day, particularly if they are more "post what you are thinking about" kinda posts - I guess it kinda depends what your goals are, but if maximizing your chance to make $ is one of your goals, I would recommend at least a day between "big ticket" type posts like quality original songs.
OK the 500 steem power thing is really mostly only a big milestone if you are using the website steemit.com (which I don't recommend). On steemit.com until you have 500 SP you can only cast 100% strength upvotes, while after you get to 500 SP you can cast variable % strength upvotes. Most other Steem websites let you cast variable strength upvotes no matter how much SP you have. I personally would recommend steempeak.com as far as a website interface for steem blockchain.
RE 500 Sp allowing you to post/comment multiple times, someone might also have been referring to "resource credits" - which is basically bandwidth for Steem. The more Steem Power (SP) you have, the more resource credits you have. If you have only have a tiny amount of SP you might actually run out of resource credits (bandwidth) and no longer be able to post, comment or upvote until some of your resource credits recharge. You already have enough SP that you should be able to post/comment/upvote pretty normally though.
Hm... Okay, I think I'm following...
More questions ^_^
What's the benefit of using Steempeaks over Busy.org?
WTF is up with DLive? I'd love to move at least part of my streaming to a blockchain, but I'm a lil salty about their move from Steem to Lino (and Im NEW! Cant imagine how everyone else feels). Is it worth using them you think? Is there another live Steem option yet?
Okay, the SP depleting/replenishing... you mean like... I post, it cost me SP, but people upvote which GIves me SP? So... I shouldnt REALLY worry about it, unlike I like, drunk-upvote or something and deplete my SP?
Also, SHOULD I be giving people LESS than 100% of .001 right now? What's the... purpose of splitting it? And is there any point to trying to get to 500SP then, other than graduating to Minnow just for the sake of it? Point of pride or whatever? I mean, it also gives me more influence n all that, no?
Thank you, again, sincerely. You are absolutely facilitating my learning curve.