MORE questions @carlgnash and @acidyo ^_^ Thanks for you patience btw.
So... I'm investigating Steem Keychain... and @haejin suggested ( that it may be a good idea to create new keys to use with the keychain?
Should I do that?
Uh... how... do I do that...? (Dont worry, I'll ALSO google it while awaiting your responses with baited breath)
Would I need to change ALL keys, master on down?
Sigh. I should... probably sleep or something...
Also (will google) is Keychain still only available for Chrome? My computer has asthma and sometimes Safari is faster than Chrome... NBD, I can shit things around but, curious. Also... I guess since we're already here... Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Safari? Is there any like, should-be-obvious reason why I should use one over the other? I'll admit... I get a little salty about google sticking their fingers in everything and often want to diversify just for the sake of it - maybe I don't understand it fully and it's actually the safest/most encrypted option? Or something? I get a little squirly about saving passwords with them. And if it hadn't been built and adopted by/for so many Steem platforms, I probably would trust Keychain either, just cause it's a Chrome extension. Again, I know NOTHING and am making completely unbased emotional judgements at the moment. So yea. Question mark?
Haejin... LOL ... don't go down that particular rabbit hole if I can offer you a suggestion. Leaving him aside for now.
Yeah steem keychain is great if you can run a browser it is compatible with, it basically works like using your Google or Facebook account to log in to multiple different websites. Keychain is now available on Chrome, Brave and Firefox browsers. Firefox is pretty good as far as privacy related concerns if that is an issue with you - links for keychain for those browsers:
Basically the nice thing about Steem Keychain is you only have to load your private and active keys up into keychain once, and then from there on out you can use keychain to log in to all these different Steem based platforms. Keychain allows you to set a normal human readable type password, and encrypts your Steem keys themselves in the browser extension so they are not in danger.
IRL I am just about to leave for a two week Christmas vacation, and am going to be mostly away from internet (gasp!) starting in a couple hours. For general Steem newbie type questions (and I am sure you will have a LOT - I was not kidding when I said there was a learning curve! THere is a lot going on here!) I would recommend joining the Steem Terminal discord. it is a server to help Steem newbs out and the folks who run it are super helpful:
Cheers and merry Christmas!
Hm.... okay. Thank you for your reply. I got Keychain for Chrome, but the only place that asked me if I wanted to use it to log in was... uh...shucks I dont remember now. I think I stared at this screen too long yesterday. But yea, I could only figure out how to USE it on One site. Everywhere else still asks me to use my keys. I suppose I could do a test to log out n log back in? More research needed. I still don't "get" keychain. Also, I thought it would show me ALL of my currencies? No?
Oh hooray!! Vacation!! Yes, go, be free... I'll figure this stuff out, but I sincerely appreciate all of your help and suggestions. They've helped piece together a lot more of the map a lot faster than I would have on my own. Thanks for the Discord link!
Merry Christmas ^_^
Thanks for the Firefox link. I'll look into it.