Thank You

in #thanks3 months ago



     Thank you to all of the people who make Hive a special place. A place for us to express ourselves and feed our creative urges.

     Thank you to everyone I have gotten to know over these past seven-plus years. Many of you are still here. Some of you have gone, come back, and are gone again. And, there are still those who have left this mortal plane altogether. I will never forget any of you.

     Thank you for all of the laughs. The tears. For the many universes to explore. Thank you for the lessons that I have learned. Thank you for sharing your world with me.

     Thank you for making this endeavor worth-while. Though the future is not guaranteed, I hope to be here for a long time.

     Thank you for being you.

     Thank you for reading this.

     Thank you.







           Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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Thank you for being a bright spot, whenever you appear :)

Thanks. I'm trying to be more consistent. Still have a good amount of videos to edit and post.