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RE: What Holiday Traditions Does Your Family Do?

in #thanksgiving7 years ago

I like your tradition of going around the table and everyone saying what they are thankful for. Also, those sweet potatoes sound incredible! We're never had em like that or I could understand the mutiny!

Here, I go crazy if we run out of stuffing, that's my mutiny hahaha!! In Canada our thanksgiving was last month, there was enough stuffing :)


Ah yes, Canada had her Thanksgiving already. Yes the round table of thanks can be a tear jerker or one of laughter and everyone who's blessed our table says it was most memorable. I love stuffing too and have tried some interesting ones. Some have been a flop (always check reviews! ouch!) The old standby of giblet stuffing is always a hit. Just never tell it has giblets in it, HA!

Yep, cooks should never share their secrets hahahaa! I remember how grossed out I was when I watched gravy being made....blood...boiled neck...but damn it's good!!