Happy Thanksgiving! (To Those Who Celebrate It)

in #thanksgiving11 months ago (edited)

A Nice Time Away with Family

I just got home from a Thanksgiving visit to some family who live in Yuma, Arizona - just one state over from California. We haven't seen them since before Covid so it was a great time to finally get to spend time with them again.

Sitting around the new firepit

I actually had never been to Yuma to stay for any significant time. We have passed through there plenty of times though, usually while driving across the country from the east coast heading back to Los Angeles. The family we went to see used to live in Roswell New Mexico but bought some property in Arizona a couple of years ago so it was interesting to visit a new place.

A view from the back yard in Yuma, Arizona

It is quite arid in this part of the country but very beautiful nonetheless. The visit was great; we had a nice time catching up while sitting around their brand new firepit. It was a lot of fun watching @little-ricky roast marshmallows and attempt to eat a s'more for the first time. I say attempt because most of it ended up on the ground. It was still fun, all the same!

The house is on a 5 acre plot that in the middle of farm land

Got me Thinking about Traveling...

While I was in such a different environment, it really got me thinking about all of the world traveling I used to do not so long ago before the entire world ended up in a prolonged lockdown. In fact, the main reason that my blogging on Hive slowed down quite dramatically a few years ago was simply because I didn't feel like I had much to say anymore.

Me in Polignano a Mare, Italy

If you go back to my earlier posts, you'll see that I was mostly a travel blog. And if you aren't traveling, well.....

I would really like to change this for 2024. As the little one is getting a little bit bigger, I think it would be great to start trying to get out there and see the world a bit. Ricky has been to England once in his short life, but it was only for a couple of weeks and we were mostly just staying at my sister in law's house. I'd love to take him to other countries in Europe as well as other parts of the world.

Taking in the views in Rome

Technically he has been to Mexico, but it wasn't quite the real experience as it was just on a cruise. My level of safety risk comfort has dramatically changed since having a kid. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him so it has made me a lot more careful about the places I am willing to go. Perhaps I am being a bit too hypervigilant but better safe than sorry I suppose. Of course there are levels. We can't protect them from living life!

So I know these things never work, but I think I'd like to try to make an early New Years resolution for 2024: Travel More! We shall see how it goes. For now, I'd just like to say Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are. I hope everyone is safe and happy with their families.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you🌼

And about the new year resolution, mine would tow the the same part like yours "go out more often"

Going out more often is always a great goal. In my case it is a must with a little crazy 3 year old!

Oh, the three year old is crazy...that's going to be fine😄

The property looks awesome to celebrate the nice ocassion....Happy "Thanks giving"...continuing your passion of travelling i wish to see more of you and little-big together on an around the world tour.

Let's hope I manage to reach my goal in the coming year! Thanks for stopping by.

You should have stopped in to see @bigtom13 while you were in Yuma. I think that is an awesome idea to get out traveling more. I think too that a lot of people think travel needs to be these far away places. They forget just how big the US is and how much there is to explore. Plus it's pretty easy access for the most part. I'd love to travel across the ocean one day, but if I never do, I will do my best to continue to discover more of the US.

I have driven through just about every state and it is true that you could spend a lifetime trying to see just a fraction of the sights here in the US. My dad was a truck driver after he got out of the military in the 80s and I swear he knows something about nearly every town in this country. You could randomly call him from anywhere in America and he could help you navigate to a hotel or restaurant from memory.

That's awesome. I am kind of like that to a degree. I have traveled a lot with my parents growing up and I can usually remember how to get somewhere as long as I have been there at least once.

It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving visit with family and the place Yuma, Arizona sounds fantastic for the family Thanksgiving. Wishing you all the best in making your early New Year's resolution for 2024 to "Travel More" a reality.

Happy Thanksgiving and looking forward to hearing more about your future travels.

Thanks a lot! We shall see if I am able to fulfill my resolution. I certainly am going to try!

Wishing you best of luck.

Always better safe than sorry with your kid! My risk level decreased dramatically once my son was born, with much less foreign travel and very careful selection of destinations. Becoming a parent really changes you more than you realize!

Yuma! In winter it's a great place! I lived there for about a year once, summer was just too hot. It was a great place to prospect for gold nuggets, and winters were great. I don't miss the 117 degree heat though...

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, it's always nice to get out the house every now and again!

It was pretty warm during the day, and got super cold as the sun went down. I suppose it is similar to LA in that way but to a more extreme degree!

I don't miss the 117 degree heat though...

Oh boy, I got to experience that when we stopped in Lake Havasu a few years ago for the weekend. I have never experienced heat like that before. I swear humans aren't meant for that weather... lol

Happy thanksgiving day 💐

Thank you!

I made a resolution to go out more often in 2023 but a lot of things happened, finances included and that couldn't work out. I'll definitely do more for myself this coming year.

I'm glad you got to spend time with your family. Good luck with your 2024 resolution.💕

Thanks! I bet there are a lot of interesting things to see even not far from where you live. I always get a kick out of people who visit me and tell me about places near my home that I had no idea existed.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. I am glad you guys got to celebrate with another. Covid did a lot.... but things are getting better...

Perhaps I am being a bit too hypervigilant, but better safe than sorry, I suppose.

Being a parent makes you think very well before taking a journey. It is always like that.

I guess I realize that I will always worry about my kids. But hopefully at some point it will calm down a bit!

Hehe, yeah you will always. Haha

It's a great thing to see things that is happening round the world and I'd love to visit Nigeria in the near future maybe to visit Abuja or Lagos. It's nice traveling around...

I would also love to see Nigeria one day. I have met a lot of wonderful people from there over the years. In fact, there are many places in Africa that I would like to see. I wish life were much longer.

Hi There!
Nice photos!
I had a question for you...
About a year + you used to have a
"account app" at nuthman.com (I think)..
Did you discontinue this, or did it move somewhere else?
Thanks and have a Great New Week!

Are you talking about the Real-Time Wallet Dashboard? I recently put it up again here: https://hive.codergeek.org/

If you forget again, you can find it on my profile page as my website link.

Thank You so much!
That's one of the coolest things on HIVE!
Thanks again and have a Great Sunday!

No problem! I am working on a really another fun visualizer type application. Hopefully I will be able to publish it in the not too distant future.

Good Deal! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Let me know, I am interested!
Fantastic Week I wish you!

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

Of course we see that many people are celebrating this event for what it is and the way we know that whenever one sits with family and chats like this, the time passes much better.