IT's a puzzle solving game that is based of a very basic assembly language combined with hardware parts that communicate between each other.
It's my kind of game, because it's literally training your brain for problem solving, with a slight veneer of gamification to keep it looking like a game XD
Dude! I like it! Turn it into a Steemit game!
It's not mine, so no can do (Also, I'm a neophyte coder, so no idea how I'd do it).
But it does raise the question... can we make a game based on the steemit blockchain...
Maybe an RPG with microtransactions of STEEM directly integrated XD
Or a Card Collection game where the most popular authors, posts, themes... on Steemit have a card, and can be traded...
Possibilities, possibilities XO
Wow, you are thiking really big! I like it! I would have no idea on how to go about starting something like that...
If you do an RPG I will join for sure! Full steam ahead mate! Brainstorm it and get it done! Sounds like a real cool project =)