2 YEARS Anniversary

in #thankyou5 years ago


[ ENG ] Finally it was time, I've been with Steemit for 2 years. I did not expect that, I rather thought that after a while it would stop because you would get little attention and only the big ones would benefit here. But I won't let myself be hunkered down here. Even if my content is very heavy here, but there is also a bit of a mix. In any case, it is a lot of fun here, but since winter is currently the season and there is hardly any funfair video, I have to show what other people are doing here.

Now after such a small text, I would like to thank all of you. With you Steemains who read my posts, who do not read my posts, with the bots, fake account and what I know what I already follow and like. Thank you for supporting me. For another next year.

[ GER ] Endlich war es so weit, 2 Jahre bin ich nun beim Steemit dabei. Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet, habe eher gedacht das es nach einer zeit damit auf höhre da man wenig aufmerksamkeit bekommt und nur die großen hier profitieren. Aber ich lasse mich nicht hier unter griegen. Auch wenn mein Content sehr schwer hier ist, aber auch ein bisschen gemischtes dabei ist. Auf jeden fall macht es hier sehr spass, aber da zurzeit Winter Saison ist und kaum Kirmes Video gibt, muss ich halt mit was anderen hier zeigen.

Nun nach so einen kleinen Text möchte ich mich bei allen Bedanken. Bei euch Steemains die meine Beiträge lesen, die meine Beiträge nicht lesen, bei den Bots, fake account und was weis ich was mich schon alles folgen und liken. Danke das ihr mich unterstützt. Auf ein nächstes weiteres Jahr.


Equipment: ⤵

➡ Ishoxs Shark: https://t1p.de/kv3l ➡ GoPro 7: https://amzn.to/2W8y3Hc ➡ Lumix G70: https://goo.gl/ZuJW7p ➡ Sony Vegas 14 pro: https://goo.gl/nK8Wtv ➡ GoPro Saugnapf: https://goo.gl/EPkkBa ➡ GoPro Brustgurt: https://goo.gl/VLQGhq ➡ Kamerarucksack: https://goo.gl/zzC4ub ➡ Kameratasche: https://goo.gl/FxKuBx ➡ Stativ: https://goo.gl/PCBx6W ➡ Licht Zubehör: https://goo.gl/kKGDZe

💲Bitcoin Spende/donation: 14EKovt5NxBaRAAMh16fnVScRj31rJsRaz

💲Paypal spende/donation: https://www.paypal.me/SpeedRide 💲Patreon spende/donation: https://www.patreon.com/SpeedRide 💲GoFoundMe : https://www.gofundme.com/adrenalin-und-impression 💲Tipeeestream https://www.tipeeestream.com/speed-ride/donation

💲Merch Shop: https://shop.spreadshirt.de/speed-ride-hard-with-ride

➡ Helfen ohne großen aufwand: http://www.ebesucher.de/surfbar/coinsurfer.tpSpeedRide ( Klickt auf Entdecken und einfach mal eine Stunde laufen lassen ) ⬅

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🌏 Hier findet ihr meine Persönliche Google Maps Karte, alle besuchte Kirmesplätze, Museum, Zoo und Freizeitparks: http://goo.gl/RZBdr4 💻 Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/SpeedRide-HardWithRide 💻 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SpeedRide.HardWithRide/ 📱 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speedride_hwr/?hl=de 📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speed_Ride 💻 Steemit: https://steemit.com/@speed-ride 💻 Homepage: https://speed-ride.jimdo.com/ 💻 Impressum: https://speed-ride.jimdo.com/about/


Another european =) welcome.

!BEER & !trdo

2.23268400 TRDO1.48845600 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @kryptodenno, you successfuly trended the post shared by @speed-ride! @speed-ride will receive & @kryptodenno will get

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

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BEER Hey @speed-ride, here is a little bit of from @kryptodenno for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Congrats on your 2 year anniversary!

Happy Birthday! :)

Congrats on your first 730 days! Cheers to more 🍻


2.232684 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:
Congratulations @speed-ride, your post successfully recieved

1.488456 TRDO curation@kryptodenno earned :

To view or trade TRDO go to steem-engine.com
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Congratulations :)

thank u steemit

With you Steemains who read my posts, who do not read my posts, with the bots, fake account and what I know what I already follow and like. Thank you for supporting me. For another next year.

I am on the Steem blockchain since 2017.05.17, almost for three years.

But I mostly experienced the users, who do not read (and of course, do not comment) my posts, and even if they comment, their comments are mostly bot-like and/or spam-like, and false positivity. And of course, there are the bot comments, which is presented in the biggest percentage under my blog posts. And not just/only under my blog posts, but under many other people's blog posts. Nowadays the real human comments are rare on the Steem blockchain.

Still, happy anniversary!