One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of King Schahriar and his brother King Schahzaman: Part Four

in #the-1001-nights2 years ago (edited)

The Story of King Schahriar and his brother King Schahzaman


The two kings find that the genie has even worst things done to him than to them. So they return to their cities.

And King Schahriar starts to kill one virgin girl every day after having slept with her. Until the two daughters of the vizier, Sheherazade and Doniazade, were the only virgins left in the city

Sheherazade (or Schahrazade) means "The Daughter of the City". And Doniazade means "The Daughter of the World.

Part Four

Then the teenager looked up to the top of the tree and saw the two kings hidden in the tree. Immediately she lifted the genie's head from her knees, put it on the ground, and, standing under the tree, she said to them by signs: "Come down and do not be afraid of this genie. They answered her with signs: “Oh! by Allah upon you! exempt us from this dangerous business!" She said to them: “By Allah upon you both! get down as soon as possible, otherwise I'll warn the genie and he'll kill you the worst death!" So they were afraid and went down to her; and she rose to receive them and immediately said to them: “Come on! Pierce me with the spear a violent and hard piercing! Otherwise, I will notify the genie!” Fear caused Schahriar to say to Schahzaman: “O my brother, you are the first to do what she commands!" He answered: “Oh! I will do nothing of it until you give me the example, you, my eldest!" And both began to invite each other by making signs of copulation with their eyes. So she said to them: “Why do I see you blinking like this? If you don't step forward right away and don't do it to me, I'll let the genie know right away!" Then, because of their fear of the genie, they both did with her as she had ordered them. When they had emptied themselves well, she said to them: “How expert you are! Then she took a small bag out of her pocket and took out a necklace made up of five hundred and seventy seals, and said to them: “Do you know what this is?" They said to her: “We don't know." So she said to them, "The owners of these seals have all copulated with me on the callous horns of this genie." So then, you two brothers, give me yours. So they gave her, taking them out of their hands, two seals. She then said to them: "Know that this genie took me on my wedding night, placed me in a box and, putting the box in the crate, fixed seven padlocks on the crate, and then put me at the bottom of the roaring sea. colliding and colliding with the waves. But he did not know that when a woman among us desires something, nothing can overcome her. And the poet says, moreover:

Friend ! do not trust women and smile at their promises!
Because their good or bad mood depends on the whim of their vulva!

They lavish lying love, while perfidy fills them
And forms the stuffing of their garments.

Remember with respect the Words of Youssouf.
And do not forget that Eblis had Adam expelled because of the Woman.

Stop blaming too, friend. There is no use!
For tomorrow, with the one you blame, simple love will be succeeded by mad passion.

And do not say: "If I am in love, I will avoid the follies of lovers!" Don't say it.
It would be a miracle, indeed, to see a man escape safe and sound from the seduction of women.

At these words, the two brothers marveled almost to wonder, and they said to each other: 'If that one is a genie, and despite his power, much bigger things have happened to him than to us, this is an adventure that should console us!"

So they left the young woman at the same time, and each returned to his town.

When King Schahriar entered his palace, he had his wife's neck cut off, and similarly the necks of female slaves and male slaves. Then he ordered his vizier to bring him a young virgin every night. And every night he took a virgin girl like that and robbed her of her virginity. And in the morning, he killed her. And he continued to do so for the length of three years. So the humans were in the cries of pain and the tumult of terror, and they fled with what remained of their daughters. And there was not a girl left in the city fit to serve as a one-night stand with the sultan.

Meanwhile, the king ordered the vizier to bring him a young girl, as usual. And the vizier went out and searched, but found no daughter; and, very sad, very afflicted, he returned to his home, his soul full of terror because of the King.

Now, this vizier himself had two daughters full of beauty, charm, brilliance, perfection, and delicious taste. The name of the eldest was Scheherazade, and the name of the little one was Doniazade. The eldest, Scheherazade, had read the books, the annals, the legends of ancient kings, and the stories of past peoples. It is also said that she possessed a thousand books of stories relating to the peoples of past ages and the kings of antiquity and the poets. And she was very eloquent and very pleasant to listen to.

Seeing her father, she said, “Why do I see you so changed, bearing the burden of sorrows and afflictions? For know, O father, that the poet says: “O you who grieve, console yourself! Nothing can last: all joy vanishes and all sadness is forgotten!"

When the vizier heard these words, he told his daughter everything that had happened, from the beginning to the end, concerning the King. Then Scheherazade said to him: “By Allah! O father, marry me to this King. Either I will live, or I will be a ransom for the daughters of the Muslims and the cause of their deliverance from the hands of the King! So he said to her: “By Allah upon you! do not expose yourself thus to peril ever!" She said to him: "You absolutely have to do that!" So he said, "Take care that what happened to the donkey and the ox with the master of the plow doesn't happen to you! So listen: ...

To be continued...

Part One - Part Two - Part Three

Part 5


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As I read this chapter, I experienced a mixture of conflicting emotions such that I wanted to write my own version of this chapter and change the decisions the two brothers made at every point in this story. Yes, I know it sounds silly but I'm unhappy about the way king Schahriar handled his issue with his wife's infidelity.

In the last chapter, he gave readers the impression that he's not affected by the disloyalty of his slaves with his wife and would seek counsel and experience while on a journey. Now we see him taking out his pain and vengeance on innocent virgins. I understand he's a ruler but the power he's been given is too absolute for one person to handle.

I must confess I did not understand the conversation that took place between the kings and the teenage girl such as, “Come on! Pierce me with the spear a violent and hard piercing!" 😅 But as I read on, I deduced that they slept with the girl and gave her their seals as a keepsake.

Will Scheherazade save the remaining virgins in that city? I admire ladies like Scheherazade. They are not held back by the demands of culture and society that prefer to silence women in that time. She's wise and smart. Literacy and her love for books save her from death (hopefully). Now we understand why she tells the atrocious king stories every night. I wonder what King Schahzaman does when he gets back to his city and hope he's a better king than his brother. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you for these tales. 😊😊

"The end of evil is evil"

The king's wife were punished for what they did, but now the question arises whether what the king did to this young girl was right? Or let us leave it at that, whatever the king did not of his own free will, he was forced to do it?

Well, as soon as this girl asked the two brothers who are kings to come down and when he came down, he threatened them and asked them to do to her everything was very wrong because they came to see with their own eyes that their wives did all this in their absence of them and they did also in the absence of their wives.

One thing I don't quite understand is that when he came back after doing all that with the young lady, he came back and killed his wife and the rest of the slaves. Why didn't he kill earlier when he saw it all happening with his own eyes? As his brother King Schahzaman did when he was coming to meet him.

And now I don't even understand why the king Schahriar is doing all this with the girls of the whole kingdom? I think there are two reasons, one is that he has gone crazy with the beast and the other is that there is a sense of guilt and he misses his wife a lot and he tries to find his wife in every girl.

As far as the Vizir is concerned, he also supported the king Schahriar in this despicable act of bringing the girls of the entire empire to the king, his punishment is that today his daughter will also spend the night with the king. Because as I said at the beginning of the story, "the end of evil is evil".

Now it is to be seen whether the Vizir's daughter can reform the king after marrying him and whether the king can adopt her as his wife forever or not and whether he can spend his whole life with her after marriage without killing her or not.......

one is that he has gone crazy with the beast and the other is that there is a sense of guilt and he misses his wife a lot and he tries to find his wife in every girl.

I think that he is angry about all women and he does not want any woman he sleeps with to be able to be unfaithful to him.

Yes, of course it can and there is logic in it as well. Thanks

I'm a bit caught up with these new chapters and am already on part 4. I need to go back to other parts of the story to understand why one of the Kings is doing this.

So, after reading the four parts of the story, I understood why King Shahriar treated women like this. And in the 4th part I got to know Scheherazade better. Now I understand why there was a 1001 Nights story. After all, this story is very broad and Aladdin's story is only a small portion. It's funny that Scheherazade's background is like this, I thought she was a boy at first; I made a mistake because she is a woman. Because I can't determine the gender of their name; I used to hear English names that's why I have no idea how to determine the gender of the names from other cultures.

Anyway, I think I understand why King Shahriar behaved this way. It's a tragic event in his life that he couldn't accept that's why he developed negative feelings about it. When a person views bad events in life like this, he develops bad habits. He used his hatred for his wife and heaped it on the virgin women of his kingdom. And he did this until the virgin women were exhausted until only the daughters of his Vizier were left. This is a tragic event, that's why I can say that he has really gone crazy.

Well, I'm curious how King Shahriar will be different when he meets Scheherazade. What will Scheherazade do so that the King does not kill her? How will she change the view of the King? That is what we will know in the next parts of this story.

Those who were meant to die, die and the story keeps on. schahzaman Killed his wife and that black man she was sleeping with, but his life continue and both the kings schahriar and schahzaman on their journey finds a beautiful women and she ask her to do things that are not allowed in Islam.

But if they are not going to do, they will be killed, they got affraid and did what she asked and satisfied her. they don't wanted be killed like this, after all there were king and was ruling the countries/tribes.

But still both had something going in their mind about their wifes, they may have never thought that their wives could be unfaitful to them. No man can think of that and also can't bear that.

that is why King schahriar upon reaching to his palace, killed all the people including his wife who were involved in this shamful act, I think he should have done it long before when he saw everything with his Eye. Don't know the reason why he hadn't done that before.

As a result of this event, he started hating all the women in this world and that is why he started to have s*x with girl in the tribe and killed her to satisfy his hate for the women hood. But i think he did wrong. Not all fingers are equal. As he is a king and no one can stand infront of him. Only two girls were remaining in the tribe, who were vazier daughters. Shehzaade i think is the one who is writing this stories and she will teach the king schahriar a lesson for what he had done with all the girls of tribe.

After reading this story today I would like to say that the way we read the other day that Prince did not say anything to his brother but he himself suffered from mental tension and today it is revealed.

When such things happen in life, a person becomes exhausted from inside and only one goal of his life is left, he just keeps on thinking. As we have seen that prince's begum was having an affair with another person and when the prince came to know about it, the prince killed his wife.

Because when such a scene occurs, the mind of a man does not work, either a man should leave his wife. A man hates the very name of a woman, then he does not want to spend his life with any woman,

When he sees hundreds of such women, the only thing running in his mind is that every woman is the same. Will expect. A man sits like this, but if he loves a woman, then he sees the same thing in every woman as the prince sees his wife in every woman.

You prince who is doing with other women by spending the night with them and killing them is doing it all wrong now will punish the mind that is not working at all. In today's era, people don't have the heart to believe anyone because whether they are men or women, they are busy deceiving each other.

I think there is something that happens to everyone or majority of the people. Some people call it emotional trauma. You know that there are times when you will experience something that is above your age and the next thing you can do is to act in funny ways.

Before the King left his palace, he was in his right senses. Even though he was not happy, he was still doing well. He was still acting well despite what his wife did to him.

But something changed. When he and his brother went to seek Allah to know their fate, they met a genie and a lady. They had sex with the daly and gave them one of properties. This is where their mentality changed. When they got home, they became weird and they were not like they used to be.

That was why he had to cut off the neck of his wife. I guess he did that out of frustration and the emotional trauma that I mentioned earlier.

He even did even worse by sleeping with the girls in the village and killing them when he is done with them. A sensible person will know that there is something wrong with the King.

I hope to see what comes out of the King and Scheherazade

Friend! Don't trust women and smile at their promises!
Because her good or bad mood depends on the whim of her vulva!

Words of men who were blinded by lies and betrayal, when you experience a betrayal it is difficult to trust other people again.

When King Schahriar entered his palace, he had his wife's neck cut and, similarly, the necks of the female and male slaves. He then ordered his vizier to bring him a young virgin every night. And every night he would take a virgin girl like that and steal her virginity. And in the morning, he killed her. And he continued to do so for three years.

He came to revenge to kill his wife, who was complicit in the deception he experienced. But now her life became empty, because he only lived to have virgin women, one night, and then kill her. He did not trust any woman. But I don't gain anything with that, it only leaves a people afraid, alone, that there would be no women to satisfy their lustful or revengeful desires.

What he was doing was condemning himself. When time can make you forget your betrayal and start over.

Wow! I am perplexed. I never expected that the beautiful girl would actually blackmail the brothers into doing her bidding. That must have been a demeaning situation for them because they were abused.

King Schahriar taking the lives of virgins was a the way he dealt with his betrayal and bitterness which might not end well for him. The innocent virgins were caught in the crossfire of the misdeeds of his wife and the genie's beautiful young girl.

Scheherazade's personality description makes me want to puff my chest and hang my shoulders high up while walking around. Proud of her and I can't wait to read the effects she will have on the king which will definitely happen. I enjoyed reading this part. Thank you😊

Schahriar keeps retaliating against women, perhaps because he feels his pride has been hurt. He may believe that his manhood has been challenged and therefore attempts to restore his dignity by seeking revenge against women. Schahriar is a demon!

That was unexpected. One of the brothers has gone mad. King Schahriar has chosen a bad way to vent his hurt and pain. Having and killing almost all the virgin in the kingdom was brutal. Now the question is, will he stop? Now Scheherazade has been introduced to us which I am excited about but then I am also afraid for her.

On the other hand we don't know how King Schahzaman would react when he get to his own kingdom. This was a wonderful read and it left me in suspense. Thank you for sharing these stories.

These two kings move between rancor, vice and caprice. To justify their cruelty, they blame women for all their ills, but they use them to their advantage and forget at times that if they don't want to trust women, they can always trust men.
I fear that to your misfortune they will have the same result.

Here I can sense that feminine power. The men who have had sex with her in the past, imply that she is in a position of powerlessness and seeking to regain control. Additionally, the passage suggests that the woman is aware of the power of her sexuality and uses it to her advantage. She unmistakably has higher grounds, doesn't she?
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