It's meaning and challenges
The world " democracy " originates from Greek city state of Athens in the 5th Century B.C. Democracy as a term or concept, therefore, is synonymous with Greek civilization and development. According to Haywood (2007:2,72):
The origin of the term democracy can be traced back to Ancient Greece. Like other words ending in cracy (for example autocracy, aristocracy and bureaucracy ), democracy is derived from the Greek word kratos, meaning power or rule. Democracy thus means rule by the "demos" (the demons referring to the people, although the Greeks originally used this to mean the poor or the many )
The word "democracy " is, therefore, derived from two Greek words demos which means "Th end people " and kratos which indicates "rules ".literally, democracy is the rule by the people or The power by the people in the state.
But in reality the power is shared amongst few sets of old leaders. Its so sad