In Indonesia there is a lot of black magic, from the lowest to the highest. Sciences like this are categorized high if they require sadistic conditions, and also amazing sciences. Even some conditions are strongly condemned by all religions.
The highest black science in Indonesia today is the Anti Raga Mati type, where the body of this science possesses cell regeneration ability up to 100% in seconds. The highest black sciences in Indonesia, mentioned above, have an incredible life-span, so the owner of this science is able to connect a disconnected head
There are three levels of this black magic, namely Rawa Rontek, Paku Bumi and Pancasona.
- Rontek Rontek is the level of science where the body of the owner of this science can regenerate quickly during his body exposed to water
- Nail Earth is the level of science where the body can regenerate rapidly as long as the body step on the ground
- While the highest level of knowledge is Pancasona, the owner of this science will not be injured or die, as long as there is air, or still living in the earth's atmosphere
Usually the owner of this type of black magic has a long life, even up to thousands of years. Not only that, people who have this knowledge usually have many collections of science that is not less great.
Same with other black magic, to gain knowledge like this requires cooperation between man and the jinn. Namely a group / genie genie that has special abilities or specialization. Jin-jin capable of regenerating cells, such as black magic above, is usually the genie of the offspring of one of the strongest jin, the genie that has lived before man was created.
There are only 2 ways to get this kind of knowledge, that is, filed or offered. Can with intermediaries and without intermediaries. Only when dead alone, the body owner of this science takes a long time once processed sakaratul death, so painful.