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RE: The Experiment

in #the7 years ago

I just stumbled upon your post, looking to see if anyone posts under the heading of "experiment"... You may be interested in what I say about a Bought and Paid for Political System... Feel free to stop by and leave a comment...


you know recently i have come to the conclusion that none of this matters. the few who deem themselves awake follow conspiracy theories that are populated by intelligence groups and governments on purpose as a form of dissent management..... quite frankly the so called movement is a laughing joke amongst those groups as the awaken have been rounded up and placed onto platforms designed to track them while they complain to each other (steemit is a decent example of such a program).

the political machine is completely corrupted but flash news, it's always been corrupted. perhaps it's been a while since things have been this bad, but i digress as none of this matters.. if the people want to be slowly exterminated by allowing their corrupted leadership, then who am i to tell them differently..

as for experiment - i spent over 45 years of my life being experimented on by government lackeys, secret society and religious groups and not a single person stood up and said what was happening was wrong, even after i complained to the authorities nothing was done - the experience has left a sour taste in my mouth.

i am getting offline and will go and live a solitary life, no longer will i subscribe to any media outlets or communicate with people of knowledge or understanding.


It wasn't my intent to send you to your Fortress of Solitude... I just thought you might like to see an Original Point of View... I write about the Prosperity heading our way...

it's not your actions that send me to solitude.. if you read down my stream you will see that i am under a pile of garbage government agencies thumb currently...

some of us actually fight the fight and not just write about it.

I'm expecting a Nobel Peace Prize for my efforts here... Don't miss out, because you may be the one who needs to read my Posts the Most... It's rare to Stumble upon any of my Posts, so feel free to take advantage of them...