E. W. Kenyon taught and unveiled truths the Modern Church NEEDS NOW! We must see the reason for the Incarnation, The Purpose of John’s baptism of Jesus, the Anointing of the Spirit, The sufferings, The Crucifixion, the Burial, The Resurrection. The Ascension… REDEMPTION. This is all about the Man in Christ. I received this truth in the Pauline Revelation from the Lips and writings of this excellent bible teacher!
Sit back, relax and be thrilled by the Word!
Discerning men and women have been asking for a new type of Christianity.
They do not want a new philosophy or a new metaphysical concept of Christ, but an unveiling of the reality that was seen in Jesus in His earth walk.
We have looked back for it, but it is not in the past.
The early Church did not have the thing for which hearts are craving.
You understand that the early Church did not have the Pauline Revelation of Christ, of His Substitution, of the body of Christ, or of His ministry at the right hand of the Father for us.
They had the contact of the three years of Christ's earth walk.
They were New Creations; they had experienced all that God reveals to us through Paul, but they did not understand.
They knew of His death on the cross. They had seen it.
They knew of His resurrection as a reality.
They had eaten with Him, walked with Him, and fellowshipped with Him after His resurrection.
They had seen Him ascend.
They were present on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to the earth, when the Church was born.
They did not know that they were New Creations, however.
They had first-hand Sense Knowledge evidence of everything that took place. They did not know that they were the righteousness of God in Christ. They had marvelous experiences but did not know what caused it.
They were not walking by faith then. They were walking by sight, by hearing, and by feeling.
John says: "That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we beheld, and our hands handled, concerning the Word of Life." (I John 1:1).
The early Church walked in the realm of the senses.
God permitted it because the fuller Revelation had not been given.
The Pauline Revelation did not get into the hands of the Church until after the beginning of the second century.
What is This New Thing?
It is the New Man created in Christ Jesus. II Cor. 5:17: "Wherefore, if any man is in Christ there is a New Creation."
This new man will be like Christ.
Eph. 2:10: "We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus."
In his love-life he carries the solution of the human problem. He will bring God to the earth again. He will live and walk as Jesus lived and walked among men. Here are some striking facts about this New Creation man.
John 8 :32: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The 36th verse: "If therefore the son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."
You shall know the reality, and that reality shall set you free.
What is this reality?
It is the answer to the human heart's craving.
It is the thing for which man through the ages has been searching.
This heart hunger has given to us all the human religions.
This New Man that comes into the full consciousness of his rights will be free.
Col. 1 :9-12 has some startling truths: "For this cause we also, since the day we heard it do not cease to pray and make request for you."
Hear this prayer.
It is the prayer that the Spirit has prayed for every one of us: "That ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding."
The Greek word "epiginosko," which is translated "knowledge," is more than simply knowledge. It is "exact knowledge," "perfect knowledge." It is a knowledge in all spiritual wisdom and revelation.
Spiritual wisdom is not a product of the senses, for Sense Knowledge cannot fathom it.
For instance, the first three chapters in Ephesians are an example of the use of "epiginosko."
They let down the curtain so that we may look into the very purpose of the heart of the Father God.
This knowledge, is a knowledge of His will.
He never willed that we should be toys in the hand of the enemy. He planned that when the Church came into being, it would be composed of His sons and daughters, -- that they would be demon masters and world rulers.
They were to rule the laws of Nature. They were to dominate the laws of nature as Jesus did in His earth walk. They were to control the winds and the waves.
They were to be masters of the animal creation. They were to have restored to them in the Name of Jesus the lost authority of the Garden of Eden.
But the Church does not know anything about it. We have been taught that we are poor, weak worms of the dust; that we must be ruled by Satan; that we must live lives of poverty and want; and that we are too unworthy to have our prayers answered.
They have cultivated in us a sense of unworthiness that has robbed us of spiritual initiative and kept us in a state of bondage to fear and ignorance and sin. We did not know the sin problem had been settled.
The object of this knowledge is "to walk worthily of the Lord unto all pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work."
Jesus said: "I am the vine, and ye are the branches."
We are branches of Christ. We are a part of Christ. We are a shoot out of Christ, and Christ's fruit is to be borne by us. He cannot bear fruit now. We are the branches, so we are to bear fruit in every good work.
Meanwhile "we are increasing in this exact knowledge of the Father." We are to be "strengthened with all of his ability according to the might of his glory unto all steadfastness and all longsuffering with joy."
That is climactic! That is lifting us above circumstances, above the dominion and power of Satan, and making us absolute masters where we have tremblingly served as slaves.
We have the solution to this in the 12th verse: "Giving thanks unto the Father who has given us the ability to enjoy our share of the inheritance of the saints in light." (Literal translation.)
We are Redeemed
"Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the son of his love; in whom we have our redemption, the remission of our sins." Col 1-13,14.
We have been delivered out of the authority of Satan. Satan no longer has a right to rule over us.
The Church has never acknowledged it, has never known it. Here and there an individual has entered into his inheritance, but the rank and file of the Church have lived under the bondage of fear and doubt and Satanic supremacy.
We are not only delivered out of Satan's dominion but we are "translated into the kingdom of the son of his love."
This is the New Creation. This is where the sons of God actually "reign as kings in the realm of life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:17 (Weymouth) .
It is in Christ that we have our redemption, the remission of all that we have ever done.
We have been redeemed out of the hand of the enemy. We have been recreated. We have received the nature and Life of Deity. We have come into the family of God, and as sons and daughters are enjoying the fellowship of our Father.
We are exercising our rights and privileges in the Name of Jesus. Disease and sickness have lost their dominion. We are masters over them. Poverty and want no longer challenge us. We know our Father.
The Church has been dominated by Sense Knowledge, which has given it the sense of unworthiness.
How many times we have said, "If I could live a holy life, a pure life; if I could live a Jesus life, I would have the same ability that Jesus had." How men everywhere have hunted for holy men who could do their praying for them! The sick are continually searching for someone who can pray the prayer of faith while they live in the realm of unbelief.
They do not know that as sure as they were Born Again, they became New Creations and received the very Nature of the Father That Nature has made their spirits whole. That Nature has made them New Creations.
The sin problem has been settled for them. They are the Righteousness of God in Christ, now. They can stand in the Father's presence just as Jesus did, but they do not know it. They can have their prayers answered as Jesus did, but they do not understand it.
They have lived in ignorance of spiritual things. They have much Sense Knowledge. They have all that our schools and colleges and universities can impart and yet that Sense Knowledge has not unveiled to them what they are in Christ.
They do not know that they have as much a right in the Father's presence as Jesus has, so that with all boldness they may stand before that Throne of Grace unabashed, without sin-consciousness.
If they knew these things, fear would no longer dominate them. They would be masters. They would no longer submit to the rule of the senses.
Lordship of the Word
They would joyfully admit the Lordship of the Word.
If this knowledge could only be given to them, they pass over into the Love Realm. They would begin to live the Love Life. Now they are afraid of it.
They do not know that Jesus brought a new kind of Love that was a part of God, Himself. God is Love, and this new kind of Love has been given to us.
This is the genius of Christianity. This new kind of Life, and this new kind of Love beget a new kind of Righteousness -- a righteousness that cannot be obtained by works, by sacrifice, by prayer, or by anything else a man can do.
It is a gift which comes with the New Creation. Every child of God has it.
Until a man knows that he is the righteousness of God, he will never take advantage of his privileges. He will always live in bondage to the enemy.
But the instant he knows it, he will come boldly into the presence of the Father. He will feel at home in the Throne Room.
I want you to note John 1:16: "Of his fullness have we all received, and grace upon grace." This New Creation is the fullness of God as we are taught in Ephesians 1:23: "Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all." "Fullness" means completeness.
Christ's Nature and Life have been poured into our spirits. Where we were empty and had only a vague longing in life, we now have found reality.
Equipped of God
This New Creation, this new type of Christianity, is equipped of God for a supernatural life. God furnishes the equipment.
In Ephesians 6:11 He says: "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the cunning artifices of the adversary. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenlies."
Our combat is not a mental one, nor a physical one. It is a spiritual combat.
No spiritual combat is fought by physical self-denial or a mental struggle. A spiritual battle is not won by physical means mental means, or any kind of work that a man can do.
The battle has already been fought by Jesus and won. We do not fight in this battle.
This is a Faith Fight
We win our battle by our recognition that it has already been fought and won by Jesus and by accepting the thing that Jesus has done for us.
We do not pray for it .We do not struggle for it. We simply look up and say, "Father, the battle has been won."
In the Faith fight, God does it all. He conquered Satan and put away sin. He bore our diseases, so that we only need to thank Him and enjoy it.
We stand in that evil day when the temptations come like a flood, having girded our loins with this Truth or Reality.
We have come to know the reality of the finished work of Christ. We put on the breastplate of righteousness. That is, we act it, use it, and confess it.
We know that we are the righteousness of God in Him. This is an acknowledged fact. We know what we are in Him.
We know that righteousness permits us to stand in the Father's presence without the sense of guilt or inferiority.
Our feet have been shod with the preparation of the Good Tidings of peace. We can run now with a message of peace to the world. We can bring to men the good tidings.
We have the shield of faith that withstands all the fiery darts of the evil one.
Spiritual Forces Stronger than Physical
God is a Spirit. He created man so He can create new flesh where disease has destroyed it.
God created this world of ours, filled it with rocks and all these physical objects by just the word of Faith.
This Word of Faith can rebuild destroyed tissues in our bodies.
You can understand that our combat is not with physical things, but with spiritual things. Our enemies are spirits. The diseases that afflict men are spiritual. When our reasoning faculties are convinced of these realities, disease is defeated. The ills that afflict men are spiritual ones.
We are masters of those things. In the Name of Jesus we reign as kings.
We take "the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God." The combat is a combat fought with our lips. In our lips is the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit.
With that Word we conquer disease. We say, "Disease, in the Name of Jesus Christ, stop being. Cancer, in the Name of Jesus, shrivel up and stop being. T.B., in the Name of Jesus, leave that body."
We are masters. He made us masters. He made us to rule them as He did in His earth walk.
"With all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."
II Cor. 3:5-6: "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to account anything as from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God; who also made us sufficient as ministers of a New Covenant."
He has given to us His own sufficiency, His own ability. The word, "dunamis" translated "power" means "ability." Take this scripture as an illustration: "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." It is according to the ability of God that is at work within us.
God's marvelous ability is at work within us. We are equipped by God and with God. We have His Word that created the Universe. We have His Word that can slay or make alive. We have the Name of Jesus; and all the authority of Heaven is back of it and is invested in it. We have the power of attorney to use that Name. We have the great and mighty Holy Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead dwelling in us. We have the same ability at work within us that wrought in Christ in His earth walk.
Read carefully Ephesians 1:19-23: "I want you to know what the exceeding greatness of the ability of God is to usward who believe. It is according to the strength of His might which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead."
Our equipment is spiritual, and spiritual things are mightier than physical.
The Church does not know that it has His ability. The Church is utterly ignorant of her place in the purpose of God.
Wars are created by demons, carried on by demon inspiration; but the Church is the master of demons. I John 4:4: "Ye are of God, my little children, and have overcome them; because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." How little we have appreciated this!
The mighty Holy Spirit, who renewed the face of the earth, who healed the sick and raised the dead, who hushed the sea through Christ, is the same Holy Spirit that we have today. He has lost none of His ability.
The Father has tried to tell us that this One in us is greater than the demoniacal forces of the earth. He says, "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." You are masters. You are rulers. Demons cannot rule the world without your consent.
"I have given you 'all authority' over all the power of the enemy. Now go and exercise it!"
1 Cor. 1:30: "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who was made unto us wisdom from God." Here Jesus is made unto us wisdom. It is God's wisdom, not man's. It is the wisdom that is greater than Satanic wisdom.
Two Kinds of Wisdom
There are two kinds of wisdom spoken of in the Word. There is one that comes down from above, and one that is of the earth earthy, sensual, or demoniacal.
This wisdom of which we are speaking is the wisdom that Jesus exercised in His earth walk. It is the wisdom that Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit used in Creation. We have access to it.
Can't you see that we can defeat the adversary? Can't you see that no matter what plans he makes, we are his superiors?
All that we need is to learn the secret of utilizing this wisdom. We have been trusting in lawyers and doctors who have nothing but Sense Knowledge. We have ignored our right to this supreme wisdom.
John 8:12 adds more light on this subject: "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in the darkness but shall have the light of life." This means Divine Wisdom. This means that we are no longer to walk in doubt, fear, and uncertainty. We walk as Jesus did, with a sure step.
I John 2:10,11: "He that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his brother is in the darkness, and walketh in the darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth because the darkness hath blinded his eyes." This is what Eternal Life does in us. Let us tell it to the world.
Wow !Blessed? Ponder and wonder within these truths!
Jesus is lord ,We win!
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