Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hambal. is the fourth Imam of the Imam Mujtahid Arbaah. He has noble and high qualities. Ahmad bin Hambal was born in Baghdad (iraq) in Rabiul Beginning of the year. He is famous for his grandfather Hambali, because his grandfather is more famous than his father.
Imam Hanbali who is known to experts and experts of this hadith really give great attention to the science of this one. His perseverance and sincerity have spawned many famous scholars and narrators of hadith such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, and Imam Abu Daud who are none other than his upbringing. Their works such as Shahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim or Sunan Abu Daud became the standard hadith book that became the reference of Muslims around the world in understanding the teachings of Islam that the Prophet conveyed through his hadith.
He memorized hadiths up to 700,000 hadiths
Imam Hanbali's expertise in the science of hadith is undoubtedly inviting many scholars to learn from him. According to his eldest son, Abdullah bin Ahmad, Imam Hanbali memorized up to 700,000 hadiths outside his head.
The hadith of that number is strictly selected and rewritten in the book Al Musnad. In the book, only 40,000 hadiths are rewritten with a composition based on the orderly names of friends who narrated. Generally the hadith in this book is of validity and few degrees are daif. Based on the study of Abdul Aziz al Khuli, a scholar who wrote many biographical figures of friends, in fact the hadith contained in Al Musnad amounted to 30 thousand because there are about 10 thousand hadiths are repeated.
Educational background
The cleverness of Imam Hanbali in the science of hadith, does not just come. The birth figure of Baghdad, 780 AD (d. 855 CE), is known as a scholar who is diligent in studying science. Born under the name of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hanbal, Imam Hanbali was raised by his mother, because his father died at a young age. Until the age of 16, Hanbali studied the Qur'an and other religious sciences to the Baghdad scholars.
After that, he visited the famous scholars in various places such as Kufa, Basrah, Sham, Yemen, Mecca and Medina. Some of his teachers include Hammad bin Khalid, Ismail bil Aliyyah, Muzaffar bin Mudrik, Walin bin Muslim, and Moses bin Tariq. From them young Hanbali deepen the jurisprudence, hadith, tafseer, kalam, and language. Because of his intelligence and diligence, Hanbali can absorb all the lessons well.
His love for science is so remarkable. Therefore, whenever he heard there was a famous scholar somewhere, he was willing to travel long and long only to gain knowledge from the scholar. Love of science that makes Hanbali Han willing not married at a young age. He was newly married after the age of 40 years.
Her marriage
The first time, he married Aisha bint Fadl and was blessed with a son named Saleh. When Aisha died, she remarried with Raihanah and gifted a son named Abdullah. His second wife died and Hanbali married for the last time with a jariyah, a female slave
named Husinah. From him he obtained five children namely Zainab, Hasan, Husain, Muhammad, and Said
Her personality is so beautiful
He is a man who zuhud again generous
Not only clever, Imam Hanbali is known to be devoted to worship and generous. Imam Ibrahim bin Hani, one of the famous scholars who became his best friend witnessed the existence of the Imam Hanbali. "Almost every day he fasts and sleeps very little at night. He prayed more nights and witr until Shubuh arrived, "he said.
Regarding his generosity, Imam Yahya bin Hilal, one of the jurists, said, "I came to the Imam Hanbali, and I gave him four dirhams and said, 'This is the provision I have earned today and everything I give you.'"
He is a firm person of establishment
Imam Hanbali is also known to hold firm stance. In his lifetime, the Mu'tazilites were triumphant. The support of Caliph Al Ma'mun of the Abbasid dynasty that made this school as the official school of the state made the scholars angry. One of the teachings that the Mu'tazila imposed was the understanding of the Qur'an as a creature or creation of God. Many Muslims reject that view.
Imam Hanbali including those who oppose the notion. As a result, he was imprisoned and tortured by Mu'tasim, son of Al Ma'mun. Every day he was beaten and beaten. This torture lasted until Al Wasiq succeeded his father, Mu'tasim. The torture reinforced Hanbali's opposition to the heresy. His attitude made the people more sympathetic to him so that his followers more and more even though he was languishing in prison.
His teaching
After the death of Al Wasiq, Imam Hanbali breathed freedom of air. Al Mutawakkil, the successor, freed Imam Hanbali and glorified him. His name was more famous and many scholars from various corners of learning to him. The scholars who studied him included Imam Hasan bin Musa, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, Imam Abu Zur'ah Ad Dimasyqi, Imam Abu Zuhrah, Imam Ibn Abi, and Imam Abu Bakar Al Asram.
Like the other three Imams; Shafi'i, Hanafi and Maliki, by his disciples, the teachings of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbali serve as a benchmark in amaliyah (practice) rituals, especially in the matter of Jurisprudence. As the founder of the school, Imam Hanbali paid special attention to the issue of religious rituals, especially those based on the Sunnah.
Followers of the imam school of hanbali
According to Ibn Qayyim, one of the followers of the Hanbali school, there are five basic foundations that serve as the basis for the determination of the law and the fatwa of the Hanbali school. First, the nash (the Qur'an and the Sunnah). If he finds the texts, he will have the Koran and Sunnah and not turn to other sources. Secondly, the fatwa of friends known to nobody is against it.
Third, if the companions are different opinions, he will choose opinions judged more in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. If it turns out that the opinion is not clear in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah, then he will not set one of them, but take silence or narrate both.
Fourth, take the hadith mursal (hadith which in sanadnya not mentioned its name perawinya), and hadith daif (weak hadith, but not 'maudu', or weak hadith). In this case, hadith dhaif takes precedence over qias. And the fifth is qias, or analogy. Qias are used when no legal basis is found from the above four sources.
at first madzhab hanbali just a developed in Baghdad. new-century 6 H, madzhab this growing in Egypt. rapid development occur in the 11th century and 12th-H, thanks to the business IBN taimiyyah (w. 728 H) and IBN qayyim (w. 751 H). the two figures this is the eye-opening a lot of people to provide attention to the jurisprudence madzhab hanbali, especially in the field of muamalah. now, madzhab the many adopted Muslims in the middle East. --------------------------------------------------- works ---------------------------------------------------- works priest hanbali widespread in various institutions religious education. some of the book of the until now so study among other interpretation of the qur'an, an nasikh Wal mansukh, answer the qur'an, at date, obey ar Apostle, and Inter alia posts. his book of the most famous is musnad Ahmad bin hanbal. nasab and his birth he is Abu abdillah Ahmad bin Mohammed bin hanbal bin Hilal bin Asad bin Idris bin Abdullah bin hayyan bin Abdullah bin Anas bin 'auf bin qasith bin mazin bin syaiban bin dzuhl bin tsa'labah adz-dzuhli ash-syaibaniy. nasab he met nasab Prophet on self Nizar bin ma'd bin' Adnan. meaning met nasab also with Abraham. when he was still in the womb, parents, he moved from the city Marwa, a place to stay father, to the city of Baghdad. in the city that he was born, precisely in rabi'ul awwal, according to the opinion of the most masyhur- year 164 H. father he, Muhammad, died in a young age, 30 years, when he new three years old. grandfather he, hanbal, move to the region kharasan and become Mayor sarkhas during pemeritahan Bani umawiyyah, then join in the line support the descendants' abbasid and hence participate feel the abuse of children of umawiyyah. mentioned that he was once a commander. period studying priest Ahmad growing up as a orphans. his mother, shafiyyah Bint maimunah Bint 'Abdul Malik ash-syaibaniy, play full in educating and raising her. Fortunately, the father to leave for those two homes in Baghdad. that a they live alone, while a again they rent with very low price. in this case, the state he is equal to the state of syaikhnya, priest syafi'i, which orphans and the poor, but still have a high spirits. they also have a mother able to take them to progress and glory. he get education the first in the city of Baghdad. then, the city of Baghdad has become the Center of civilization the Islamic world, full of different human origin and a variety of culture, and full of various types of science. there stay the Qari', expert Hadith, the Sufi, a language, philosopher, and so on. setamatnya memorize the qur'an and learning Sciences Arabic in Inter alia-kuttab when old of 14, he went on education to ad-Diwan. he continued to studying with full Azzam high and is not easy unsteady. mother many guiding and give him encouragement. don't forget he reminds him to stay pay attention to the state of yourself, especially in the health problems. about it, he never told me, "sometimes I want to immediately went early take (transmission) Hadith, but mother take immediate clothes and said, 'be patient first. wait until Azan reverberate or after the people finished prayer dawn.'" attention he when it is indeed the middle of fixed to the desire to take the traditions of the narrators. he said that the first to him, he took the Hadith is Inter alia-qadhi Abu Joseph, students / co-priest Abu hanifah. priest Ahmad interested to write Hadith in 179 at the age of 16. he continued to be in Baghdad take Hadith of Sheikh-Sheikh Hadith the city until 186. he did mulazamah to syaikhnya, Hashim bin Bashir bin Abu hazim Inter alia-wasithiy up syaikhnya the death of the year 183. mentioned by son him that he took the traditions of Hashim about three hundred thousand Hadith more. in the year 186, he began to travel (looking for Hadith) to Basrah ago to the country hijaz, Yemen, and selainnya. leaders of the most prominent that he met and take the science of him for his journey to hijaz and during stay there is a priest syafi'i. he was a lot of taking Hadith and avail science from it. priest syafi'i own so venerate self he and sometimes make he references in the know keshahihan a Hadith. scholars other be a source he took the science is Sufyan bin 'uyainah, Ismail bin' ulayyah, waki 'bin Inter alia-Jarrah, John Inter alia-qaththan, Yazid bin Aaron, and others. he said, "I do not had a chance to meet with the priest Malik, but God replace it for me with Sufyan bin' uyainah. and I could not also met Hammad bin Zaid, but God replace it with Ismail bin 'ulayyah." a small note so, he is very pursue recording Hadith, and perseverance it menyibukkannya of other things up-up in the case of marriage. he new married after aged 40 years. there are people who said to him, "Oh Abu abdillah, you have reached all this. you are already a priest the Muslims." he replied, "with mahbarah (inkstand) up to maqbarah (grave). I will remain studying until I get the pit." and it is always like that's state of his: pursue Hadith, give fatwa, and other activities to benefit the Muslims. Meanwhile, the students he gathered around it, take him (science) Hadith, fiqh, and more. there are many scholars ever take the science of him, of which the second son he, Abdullah and Salih, Abu zur' Ah, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu David, Inter alia-atsram, and others. continued kekisah to-four contain about the death of Imam Ahmad bin hanbal after power switch to the Inter alia-Amin (rationalist) actually Aaron ar-Rashid, the Caliph before Inter alia-makmun, has crack down on firm opinion about kemakhlukan qur'an. during his life, no one bold stated that opinion as told by Muhammad bin Noah, "I never heard of Aaron ar-Rashid said, 'has to news to me that bisyr Inter alia-muraisiy said that the qur'an creatures. is the duty, if God empower people it to me, will undoubtedly I legal kill her in a way that never done by one'". when the Caliph ar-Rashid died and power switch to the hands of Inter alia-Amin, group mu'tazila trying to drive the Inter alia-Amin into their group, but Inter alia-Amin reject it. then when the caliphate move into the hands of Inter alia-makmun, they are able to do so. to force the Muslims receive opinion kemakhlukan qur'an, Inter alia-makmun to hold the exam to them. during the test, the countless people that have been prison, tortured, and even killed. exams itself has Occupy the government and its citizens a good general and specific. it has been a material their conversation, both in the cities and villages in the country Iraq and selainnya. there has been a debate fierce among scholars about it. countless of those who refused opinion kemakhlukan qur'an, including the priest Ahmad. he was fixed consistently hold opinion rights, that the qur'an kalamullah, not being.
His teaching
After the death of Al Wasiq, Imam Hanbali breathed freedom of air. Al Mutawakkil, the successor, freed Imam Hanbali and glorified him. His name was more famous and many scholars from various corners of learning to him. The scholars who studied him included Imam Hasan bin Musa, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, Imam Abu Zur'ah Ad Dimasyqi, Imam Abu Zuhrah, Imam Ibn Abi, and Imam Abu Bakar Al Asram.
Like the other three Imams; Shafi'i, Hanafi and Maliki, by his disciples, the teachings of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbali serve as a benchmark in amaliyah (practice) rituals, especially in the matter of Jurisprudence. As the founder of the school, Imam Hanbali paid special attention to the issue of religious rituals, especially those based on the Sunnah.
Followers of the imam school of hanbali
According to Ibn Qayyim, one of the followers of the Hanbali school, there are five basic foundations that serve as the basis for the determination of the law and the fatwa of the Hanbali school. First, the nash (the Qur'an and the Sunnah). If he finds the texts, he will have the Koran and Sunnah and not turn to other sources. Secondly, the fatwa of friends known to nobody is against it.
Third, if the companions are different opinions, he will choose opinions judged more in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. If it turns out that the opinion is not clear in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah, then he will not set one of them, but take silence or narrate both.
Fourth, take the hadith mursal (hadith which in sanadnya not mentioned its name perawinya), and hadith daif (weak hadith, but not 'maudu', or weak hadith). In this case, hadith dhaif takes precedence over qias. And the fifth is qias, or analogy. Qias are used when no legal basis is found from the above four sources.
At first Hanbali school only developed in Baghdad. It was not until the 6th century AD that it grew in Egypt. Rapid development occurred in the 11th and 12th centuries H, thanks to the efforts of Ibn Taymiyah (728 AH) and Ibn Qayyim (d.751 H). These two figures open the eyes of many people to pay attention to the jurisprudence of Hanbali schools, especially in the field of muamalah. Now, the school is widely embraced by Muslims in the Middle East region.
-------------------------------------------------- -Masterpiece----------------------------------------------- -----
The work of Imam Hanbali is widespread in various religious education institutions. Some books that until now be a study include Tafsir Al-Qur'an, An Nasikh wal Mansukh, Answers Al-Qur'an, At Tarikh, Araat Ras Ras, and Al Wara. His most famous book is Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal.
Nasab and Its Birth
He is Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal bin Hilal bin Asad bin Idris bin Abdullah bin Hayyan bin Abdullah bin Anas bin 'Auf bin Qasith bin Mazin bin Syaiban bin Dzuhl bin Tsa'labah adz-Dzuhli asy-Syaibaniy. Nasab he met with the Prophet's Prophet Nizar bin Ma'd bin 'Adnan. Which means meeting the nasab also with the prophet Ibrahim.
While he was still in the womb, his parents moved from the city of Marwa, where his father lived, to the city of Baghdad. In that city he was born, precisely in the month of Rabi'ul Awwal-in the opinion of the most famous-year 164 H.
His father, Muhammad, died young, 30 years old, when he was only three years old. His grandfather, Hanbal, moved to the area of Kharasan and became the mayor of Sarkhas during the reign of the Umayyads, then joined the ranks of the supporters of the 'Abbasids and thereby shared the torture of the Umayyads. It was mentioned that he was once a commander.
time studying priest Ahmad growing up as a orphans. his mother, shafiyyah Bint maimunah Bint 'Abdul Malik ash-syaibaniy, play full in educating and raising her. Fortunately, the father to leave for those two homes in Baghdad. that a they live alone, while a again they rent with very low price. in this case, the state he is equal to the state of syaikhnya, priest syafi'i, which orphans and the poor, but still have a high spirits. they also have a mother able to take them to progress and glory. he get education the first in the city of Baghdad. then, the city of Baghdad has become the Center of civilization the Islamic world, full of different human origin and a variety of culture, and full of various types of science. there stay the Qari', expert Hadith, the Sufi, a language, philosopher, and so on. setamatnya memorize the qur'an and learning Sciences Arabic in Inter alia-kuttab when old of 14, he went on education to ad-Diwan. he continued to studying with full Azzam high and is not easy unsteady. mother many guiding and give him encouragement. don't forget he reminds him to stay pay attention to the state of yourself, especially in the health problems. about it, he never told me, "sometimes I want to immediately went early take (transmission) Hadith, but mother take immediate clothes and said, 'be patient first. wait until Azan reverberate or after the people finished prayer dawn.'" attention he when it is indeed the middle of fixed to the desire to take the traditions of the narrators. he said that the first to him, he took the Hadith is Inter alia-qadhi Abu Joseph, students / co-priest Abu hanifah. priest Ahmad interested to write Hadith in 179 at the age of 16. he continued to be in Baghdad take Hadith of Sheikh-Sheikh Hadith the city until 186. he did mulazamah to syaikhnya, Hashim bin Bashir bin Abu hazim Inter alia-wasithiy up syaikhnya the death of the year 183. mentioned by son him that he took the traditions of Hashim about three hundred thousand Hadith more. in the year 186, he began to travel (looking for Hadith) to Basrah ago to the country hijaz, Yemen, and selainnya. leaders of the most prominent that he met and take the science of him for his journey to hijaz and during stay there is a priest syafi'i. he was a lot of taking Hadith and avail science from it. priest syafi'i own so venerate self he and sometimes make he references in the know keshahihan a Hadith. scholars other be a source he took the science is Sufyan bin 'uyainah, Ismail bin' ulayyah, waki 'bin Inter alia-Jarrah, John Inter alia-qaththan, Yazid bin Aaron, and others. he said, "I do not had a chance to meet with the priest Malik, but God replace it for me with Sufyan bin' uyainah. and I could not also met Hammad bin Zaid, but God replace it with Ismail bin 'ulayyah." a small note so, he is very pursue recording Hadith, and perseverance it menyibukkannya of other things up-up in the case of marriage. he new married after aged 40 years. there are people who said to him, "Oh Abu abdillah, you have reached all this. you are already a priest the Muslims." he replied, "with mahbarah (inkstand) up to maqbarah (grave). I will remain studying until I get the pit." and it is always like that's state of his: pursue Hadith, give fatwa, and other activities to benefit the Muslims. Meanwhile, the students he gathered around it, take him (science) Hadith, fiqh, and more. there are many scholars ever take the science of him, of which the second son he, Abdullah and Salih, Abu zur' Ah, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu David, Inter alia-atsram, and others. continued kekisah to-four contain about the death of Imam Ahmad bin hanbal after power switch to the Inter alia-Amin (rationalist) actually Aaron ar-Rashid, the Caliph before Inter alia-makmun, has crack down on firm opinion about kemakhlukan qur'an. during his life, no one bold stated that opinion as told by Muhammad bin Noah, "I never heard of Aaron ar-Rashid said, 'has to news to me that bisyr Inter alia-muraisiy said that the qur'an creatures. is the duty, if God empower people it to me, will undoubtedly I legal kill her in a way that never done by one'". when the Caliph ar-Rashid died and power switch to the hands of Inter alia-Amin, group mu'tazila trying to drive the Inter alia-Amin into their group, but Inter alia-Amin reject it. then when the caliphate move into the hands of Inter alia-makmun, they are able to do so.
to force the Muslims receive opinion kemakhlukan qur'an, Inter alia-makmun to hold the exam to them. during the test, the countless people that have been prison, tortured, and even killed. exams itself has Occupy the government and its citizens a good general and specific. it has been a material their conversation, both in the cities and villages in the country Iraq and selainnya. there has been a debate fierce among scholars about it. countless of those who refused opinion kemakhlukan qur'an, including the priest Ahmad. he was fixed consistently hold opinion rights, that the qur'an kalamullah, not being. Inter alia-makmun even had ordered his subordinates in order to bring the priest Ahmad and Muhammad bin Noah to the front of him in the city thursus. Secondly dominie it was eventually led to thursus in a state chained. Muhammad bin Noah died on the way before up to the thursus, while the priest Ahmad brought back to Baghdad and jailed there because it has to news about the death of Inter alia-makmun (year 218). mentioned that the priest Ahmad remain pray for Inter alia-makmun. after the death of Inter alia-makmun, the caliphate move into the hands of his son, Inter alia-mu'tashim. he has got the will of Inter alia-makmun to continue the opinion kemakhlukan qur'an and test the people in it, and he was implement. priest Ahmad release from prison ago met IBN ABI duad and Buddy-konconya. they debate he about kemakhlukan qur'an, but he is able to argue with rebuttal can not they argued. finally he whipped up unconsciousness then put back into prison and languishing in it for about 28 months -or 30s months according to which else. during that he prayer and sleep in a state of the foot chained. for it all, every day Inter alia-mu'tashim sent people to debate him, but answer he remained the same, unchanged. as a result, increased anger Inter alia-mu'tashim to him. he threatened and cussing-Maki him, and telling his subordinates whipping harder and add the shackles at the foot of him. it all, received priest Ahmad with patience and firmness tub Mountain towering with pharmaceutics. sick and the death of Imam Ahmad bin hanbal in the end, he released from prison. he returned to the home in a state not able to walk. after his wounds healed and body has a strong, he back convey lessons-lesson in mosque to Inter alia-mu'tashim died. Furthermore, Inter alia-watsiq appointed Caliph. no different with his father, Inter alia-mu'tashim, Inter alia-watsiq continued examination conducted father and grandfather. he was still to establish the proximity to the IBN ABI duad and Buddy-konconya. as a result, the population Baghdad feel the ordeal increasingly hard. Inter alia-watsiq prohibit priest Ahmad out gathered together with the people. finally, priest Ahmad hiding in his home, not out of it even out teaching or attend prayer congregation. and it lived for about five years, that is until Inter alia-watsiq died 232. growing exams he after the Inter alia-watsiq died, Inter alia-mutawakkil up replace it. two-year reign, exam on kemakhlukan qur'an still held. then on years 234, he stop the exam. he announced to the entire region Kingdom ban on opinion about kemakhlukan qur'an and the threat of death penalty for those who engage in it. he also ordered to experts Hadith to convey hadiths of the properties of God. it is thus, the people were delighted was in the presence of the announcement. they praise the Caliph on decision and forget ugliness-kejelekannya. everywhere sound prayer for him and his name touted with the name of Abu Bakr, Umar bin Inter alia-khaththab, and Umar bin Abdul Aziz. ahead of death, he fell sick for nine days. hear the pain, people was coming want to see her. they overcrowding in front door his home, up-to Sultan put people to just in front door. finally, in the beginning of Friday 12th rabi'ul awwal year 241, he facing to his Lord pick up the death that has been dientukan him. the Muslims upset with the departure of him. not slight those who helped lead bodies he until beratusan of thousands of people. there are saying 700 thousand people, there is also said 800 thousand people, there is even said to a million more people who attend. everything indicated that is very much they are present at the time for the show respect and their love to him. he once said when still healthy, "tell Ahlu heresy that the difference between US and you are (appears on) days of death US". --------------------------------------------------------------- summary -------------------------------------------------- a small note thus picture quick test passed by Imam Ahmad. seen how the attitude of the Supreme he who will not be taken except by people who are full of determination again sincere. he was being such a precisely when some scholars other turned away from the truth. and firmness over the truth that God give him it, then madzhab ahlussunnah was attributed to him because he patient and stanch in defending. Ali IBN Inter alia-madiniy said describe the determination of Imam Ahmad, "God has strengthen this religion through the two men, no one third. that is, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq on yaumur riddah (when people are many apostate at the beginning of government), and Ahmad bin hanbal on yaumul mihnah". thus story short Inter alia priest Hambali may Allah be pleased. hopefully we can benefit Dr. he. amiin
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