Hi @kurtbeil, sorry for the delayed response. We are still skeptical as to how members of the group will be prevented from leaving after winning the lotto when inevitably there will be less incentive to stay in the group.
I think the lotto confuses things and it would work just as well with a set power-up subscription, that everybody pays themselves weekly, so that if somebody leaves the group it doesn't have a huge impact on the others who are waiting to win the lotto....
If everybody were required to power up $5-10 per week I can see how the upvoting would help us all. I just see the lotto idea as dangerous since anybody can leave once they've won.
I see what you mean - we thought the curation aspect would keep'em in, and the lottery was a fun way to increase our collective power .. but, you're probably right.
Maybe we'll just ask anyone who wishes to use "the50" as a tag, and anyone who does use it would be asked to upvote @50%, anyone who has used it? https://steemit.com/created/the50 .. Kinda boring, but simple is good. :-)
I wasn't aware of the tag as well... I definitely think keeping it simple is best especially to start. My understanding of the lotto aspect is that, if over the course of 50 weeks, every member of the group is expected to win the lotto, then that is the equivalent of every member keeping their money and just saving it up every week...through power ups.
Also, setting a STEEM price for the lotto rather than a price to buy STEEM at could get very expensive. 10 STEEM is $8 now, but one week it could be $1 and another week it could be $50. If we're required to buy the STEEM then you would see people dropping out when they can't afford to buy the STEEM. I think this group needs to be able to work even if people drop out, but we also don't want to make it too difficult to stay in the group.
No, the lottery was changed to just a straight lottery :) .. and I do realize the price of STEEM will change .. anyway, pretty sure it's kaputski now. To me it was soooo clear, but when the price does really go too high then I think people will be looking around and asking "Why didn't I do something sooner!?" .. however, by then the fake accounts, collusion and gangsterism will be at such a level the platform will be in jeopardy .. just wanted to put a little group together that would 'buy' the right to collude, by investing a little money in STEEM each week, and then to use the lottery to spin up the group's voting power at faster rate.
is aight .. thanks for your help