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RE: Optimism at the End of the World 3 : Fear and Getting your Existential Shit Together

in #the508 years ago

Wow. This article really spoke to me... especially the part about fear preventing people from connecting with each other.

I know it sounds silly but one of my biggest fears is just putting myself out there. I know everyone holds back to some extent concerning their actual beliefs during casual conversation but I think I do it more than the average person. This has hurt my ability to connect with people. To be honest, I think I have been holding back for so long that it has hurt my ability to articulate myself well.

Thanks for the post.


I'm glad you felt something from it :-D It's not silly. It's been a while but i did feel like that when i was younger. Being one of the first people chatting with strangers on the internet helped me to overcome that , maybe sharing your ideas here can do the same for you?

I have thought about that! It is definitely worth a try.