I tink you needs a bit more Lousiana in that, Cher.
I love it. That sounds like one of the coolest things I've ever heard. If they are far enough north to have big snow at this time of year they are ready for red beans and rice.
That snow is the exact reason I live in Arizona. Yuma, in fact. They've been keeping weather records here for about 400 years and it has snowed exactly one time. I like my chances...
I had some family down the bayou and when we went down there when I was a kid they spoke in that cajun french accent and I swear I could listen to them talk all day!! Red beans and rice will definitely be on the menu, but only on Mondays because that's when we eat them in the south. And I don't really know why that is.
I appreciate you stopping by @bigtom13! See you around!