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RE: The Cool A$$ Badlands

in #thealliance4 years ago

One of my favorite places on earth. I stop in every time by.

Have you been to Wall, SD yet? Surely you have seen the bumper stickers and billboards for Wall Drug? There is a fine restaurant directly West of Wall Drug (which covers 2 city blocks).

The Natives. Some of that is a pissing contest with the governor of South Dakota and authorities in general. Remember it hasn't been long since a pipeline was re routed through a reservation (Standing Rock) to protect the area around Rapid City and very much against the wishes of the Sioux nation.

It's also a protest against the cavalier attitude towards CV 19 in South Dakota and North Dakota. The death rate on the Rez is about 10x higher than it is in the white Dakotas. So they put the big brothers out on the roadblocks. Just sayin'


I have seen all the signs for Wall Drug but haven't had the opportunity to stop by there yet but definitely want to go. I'll probably wait for the spring or even summer though ... we would just have more fun that way.

I understand the story with the natives which is why I just happily turned around and went on my way. I do find in some of these small towns they do have that much expected small town thinking... thats the only thing I'm not too fond of around here.

Small towns, particularly in tough country, tend to be pretty defensive and stand offish. Though Wall is so tourist oriented that I've never found it there.

Last time I was in that restaurant I walked in and a guy fingered me. I just let it go so he came to talk. I had forgotten that I had an ADV rider sticker on my bike. The finger is the universal Hi, how you doing? salute for them. He joined me for breakfast...