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RE: Just another bluff post (plus IMPORTANT Fireflies and Monkee info for those that care!)

in #thealliance6 years ago

LOLOLOL @nonameslefttouse told me I was bluffing yesterday.. and that I would be still be here posting away today.

I said ummmm yes. I will. because I said I will be posting until HF21 happens and then i'm out like a scout on a new route.
hahahaha ok i didn't say that - but i BASICALLY said that LOLOL

as for HF21 - I dont think the sky is falling . I just would rather not support bad plans. simple. LOL the math is bad, its based on "hoping people know how to be good humans" and we already know that doesnt work.

laaaaaaaaaaaaaa dee dahhhhhhhhhhh LOLOL

you have TWO chapters of fireflies coming today... annnnnnnd. a cool something I'll share tomorrow with it.

and. you have to enter the contest! please have fun with me before I leave! hehehehe