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RE: Some Barns For my Kitty

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

I would TOTALLY invite you over!!!!

But we would sit on the couch laughing and talking and I would forget that i never gave you anything to eat.


LOLOL no gift of hospitality!

Then I'd be like I'm hungry. OH NO!!! ARE YOU HUNGRY TOO!?!??

Aghhhhhhhh sorry I didn't feed you for 3 days! It was just so much fun talking!!!

So we need to invite @brisby so she can keep us fed and hugged hehehheeh


I'd probably forget about eating too until you actually mentioned it because we would be having a blast😍😍

Love you my Booty Cap'n!!🤗🤗😘🙄🤗

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Hehehehehee ok so then you can come! LOLOLOLOL

Love you back MVP♥️♥️♥️♥️

so is that the Dreem diet? Go visit and wait for Dreem to remember to offer you a meal?

Hahahahahahhaa well...kinda. you probably wouldn't lose much cuz when we remembered... We'd finally pig out!!! 😄

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