When we understand how connected we are to everything, we understand that in order to collectively transition through an oppressed, disconnected, and divided society, we must look at how we as individuals can be the cure.
As human beings are beginning to realize all over the planet, looking to politics to save the predicament that our planet is in, is not a solution. A true revolution – an evolution that propels humanity and all of life forward – is not going to come from the ballot box. The solution lies within individuals in our society that have the courage to take ownership of their own hearts and their own minds. The solution ultimately, lies within all of us.
We must be the change we wish to see in the world
Info: http://thefifthcolumnnews.com/2016/07/the-unified-city-project-revolution-in-action/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251605381883603/?ref=nf_target&fref=nf
We must be the change...Ghandi. Good post... #thealliance approves :)