
The Core

Alpha Syndicate

Beta Syndicate

Gamma Syndicate

Thank You!

Amazing how much we're growing and how big we've become, I remember the early days when it was only a handful and just a vision and dream, what a long way we've all came together.
Thanks for believing with us bro :)
Wow! Look at that mighty family! Thanks for putting everyone's name in one place. Maybe one day we can have a worldwide family reunion. That would be fun! :)
i think the same, it´s a great idea.
tru dat
This is a very good idea.
boy we are really growing :)
wow, all in one place! We are growing!
Great Fam! Grew, Grown, Will Grow.
Lovely Supporter,
That's a very big list of high content quality creators. I will try and view at least one blog a day from the other syndicates and the core - this post will make it much easier to do that thank you.

Wow thats a big family🙈🤙
How can i get in this big family?
Yea! the list is getting bigger, gotta make sure im following everyone. glad to be apart and support everyone.
be well bros and sistas
estoy muy de acuerdo contigo, yo empece hoy con la lista, hay que unirnos! saludos...
Wow it is very big group.. But my username @huslein.slash
Gotya buddy.
These groups are going to grow so fast! Happy to be a part of it! Great to have a list of all members. Now easier to follow and support 😁
Glad to be part of this big family! ❤️💖💗💕
Swimming in the steemit ocean would be fun with you.
Gracias @syndicates, estoy muy agradecida de formar parte de esta familia, espero relacionarme mas con el grupo, en la unión esta la fuerza. Bendiciones... Thank you @syndicates, I am very grateful to be part of this family, I hope to relate more with the group, in the union is strength. Blessings...
Gracias por el gran apoyo @syndicates. Estoy completamente agradecido de formar parte de esta maravillosa familia. Sorprendente la manera como ha crecido la comunidad @thealliance. Llevo poco tiempo con ustedes y estoy extremadamente agradecido por todo lo que hacen.
I will resist the urge to type "placeholder" here but I confess, I am only commenting so I can find this later... I have nothing intelligent to add lol!
i like this group, how can i join in your group?@januarabd
wow are a great family, all work together for the good of your union, I dare say they are the most organized group I've seen in my stay at steemit, for me it would be a great honor to be part of their talented work. regards