My thoughts on #thealliance
But before I get into that let me, just note that this photo is taken on the Boardwalk at Silver sands one evening back in summer on a lovely warm evening and it took me a while to get a moment when there was no one walking on this part of the Boardwalk.A few have asked me about #thealliance, questions such as , what is it, what do they do etc etc so I thought a short post with my thoughts on the alliance may be a good post to share.
OK back to #thealliance
Not long after I joined Steemit I was fumbling along, not really knowing to much about how the site worked and getting confused about what I should be doing, how to do it etc etc, you know the learning curve all of us have when we first start on Steemit.
I thought to myself it would be good if there was some sort of community where people, helped each other and share knowledge and tips, but I was at a loss as where to find that.
And then
But then I thought it wasn't to long ago I would have also said I am not a blogger but here I am on what is a blogging site and community and slowly transitioning from posting just photos to actually expanding and writing a bit more about the photo or place and my feelings about it,
It was one of the best decisions I made early on here, I have meet a wonderful bunch of people who post such interesting content is a wide variety of subjects, from photographers like me to poets, story tellers, Homesteaders etc etc etc.
I received an invite to join something called #thealliance on discord chat, now my initial reaction was I am not a chat sort of person so why would i join this group.
So taking that into account and from how I was told #thealliance was a group of original content creators supporting each other as a community, I decided what the heck let me give this a go.
There are no strict rules with #thealliance we foster a sense of community and family to support each other, check the posts from fellow members and interact with those whose posts interest you or trigger some interaction.
But more importantly for me is simply put a community of quality content creators, who are sort of like an extended family who help each other in various ways, we follow those who post content we appreciate, we support these in the normal ways, but we also at times have quite an active chat in here, where we help newcomers, share things we find and just generally try to help build up ourselves, our alliance allies and the alliance and steemit in general though this sense of community and support
The chat in the discord server can varie from why is this or that not working such as the issues with Steemvoter of recent, How to do this or that, to discussing ideas and fun discussion which on all sorts of topics which often may spin off and give people ideas for new posts.
#haturday is a case in point one of our core members @saffisari posted a photo of her wearing a hat recently and a fun discussion happened in chat and the tag #haturday has become popular with many of the alliance are posting photos of themselves in hats
The Alliance has grown since I joined and has broken expanded into the core or original alliance and three Syndicates affiliated to and part of #thealliance , Alpha, Beta and Gamma Syndicates which is where you will first start if you join the alliance, I am one of the leaders or as I prefer to think of it guides in Gamma Syndicate and trying help to foster and grow our community.
So to finish off , if you want to join and be part of a community of original quality content creators who and interact and be part of a fun and helpful community do swing by and check out the #thealliance.
We do have a review process to join #thealliance that is primarily to ensure people who join are posting original contain and not plagiarizing others work, or spamming the community.
Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.
If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest posts Or Chat with us on in Gamma Syndicate of the alliance if you wish to join Gamma Syndicate on Discord**
!steemitworldmap 41.195079 lat -73.078612 long Walnut Beach Milford CT d3scr
Thank you JJ! It is such a pleasure to have gotten to know you and see you grow with us here on Steemit! We have all come such a long way since we first started this little family, so happy to have you with us :)
Glad to be part of the family
I love it! That was so well written and I just love how you describe it all, it really is all the amazingness you say. I also must say that the picture is amazing as usual and that I feel it actually matched the lower message of #thealliance because it just looked like an open welcoming blue sky path,adore it and I adore you 😀
Aww thanks your so kind
Thanks my friend
Your quality post has been resteemed and upvoted!
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks kindly
This is so well written Jay and really what alliance is all about. So happy to have gotten to know you and that we both made that Best decision to join alliance 😊 Awsome ny friend.
And thanks for the mention.
Thanks my friend and Haturday is such fun I had to mention it 😎
Only honest 😊 Yes Haturday is really fun and love that so many people are enjoying it.. Lol
Happy week Jay. Cheers! 🤗😎
Happy Monday
I will have to prepare another Haturday post soon :)
Happy Monday Jay 🙌
Yeay, can't wait to see it 😉
Seems like #haturday is here to stay. Makes me happy your happy and having fun... Lol
Ohh yes Haturday is here to stay 😎
It sure is and now I just dragged Bobby my dog in it to 😁😁hahaha
How to join in the alliance. But My content is art drawing and photography
couldn't have put it better :) #thealliance family rocks \m/
Thanks kindly 😎👍😎
Well done sir. Its a pleasure working(playing?) along side you.
Thanks mate with the team with have it’s to much fun to be called work so it must be playing 😎
Well said! that's the beauty of this community, we all have our space, the only rule is to be authentic. Excellent post!
exactly 😎👍😎
@tattoodjay, thanks for your help in getting me connected to the Gamma Syndicate, an awesome Steemit community!
Glad to have you as part of our team 😎👍😎
Great explanation bro!
Thanks kindly
Hey bro yeah I know I love you lots too it's a very helpful a group we all have our different ways of using steam or emo posting, and we help one another in general baby information things like that guys are very supportive and I hope we can all progressed together. You know I didn't know there's a core server so now I am curious about the core but anyway we start somewhere right. Be well brother
The core has 100 members if spots become available in the core active members from Syndicates will be considered to move to the core group
Great explanation of #thealliance. I am also glat I met all of you guys. Take care @tattoodjay
Cheers 😎👍😎
OMGosh... :) So Serene, So wonderful and absolutely beautiful...what an amazing capture! Just fell in love with it !😊😊😊😊
Thanks my friend
Most Welcome!
I think that especially in the long run we will need those communities; They'll give us internal structure, esp. once Steemit reaches 1 Million and more....
I really like the photo, and would love to see it bigger. Here's the trick to making 'Click to Enlarge' posts:
Thanks for the link, I must start adding a link and exporting larger versions of photos and adding the link to full size,
I have ben adverse to do so after seeing others download and use my photos and in one case even selling prints of my photos so I have been cautious
:The only downside: Large pictures also take longer to load, even in the normal blog-view, so I usually go for max. 2000px width.
Unfortunately mis-use and copyright infringement is quite normal nowadays. Everybody seems to think that we are doing this anyways & for fun only...
Well I hardly sell anything so for me it really is a hobby but still I tend to be cautious
I will start uploading larger versions I think and will drop my logo off the photos as well and good for a merger size I may try your 2000pix idea
I must have missed something...
Thank you for sharing all this information. Although my English is not very good, I will look for you to learn more about Steemit. Thank you very much!
YOur welcome
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Want to have your post on the map too?
@steem-untalented @originalworks
You know me I just joined and will post my application soon.
:) (In case u forgot @chelsea88 here)
Yes I know it’s you 😎
Hello @tattodjay, great shot! I was wondering what #thealliance was, so thanks for this explanation. That is a great initiative.
I do believe it is and I am glad to be a part of it
Thanks SO very much for explaining what #thealliance is Jay. I'd been away from Steemit for a spell and when I came back I saw different people that I love to connect with, using the tag. I thought it may have been a tag for personal friends, but I was about to ask. And now you have explained it perfectly.
I haven't been all that active on Discord, as I tend to avoid time-consuming chats. However if #thealliance is a group of people who support 'original quality content creators' I'd love to join you. 🦋
Trust me understand about chat i tried to stay away from it myself
But it is a handy tool for a community So I use it now
Feel free to swing by discord and join us
Thanks so much Jay. I will. 🦋
😎 Cool
Beautiful Photo as always! I love your photography skills! I am heading over to the discord now, thanks for posting this, I need to be apart of something like this as it sounds really great! I have seen that tag a lot but did not know what it was. :-)
I saw you arrived in Discord You would have seen from the welcome message the requirement for a post to be considered for joining it’s new rule recently added
nainaztengra reached out to me and suggested thealliance had been a positive turning point for her on Steemit by bringing true community values and support. As this platform continues to grow I do feel that creators dedicated to producing quality, interesting and varied work need to support each other and help each other grow. This is a wonderful initiative and very worth while for anyone looking to grow their account on Steemit.Considering I have been following you for some time now I some how missed the boat so to speak on this, as my own following has grown the demands of posting and replying to post comments has swamped me somewhat. Our mutual friend @dswigle I had noted was promoting thealliance and more recently a much respected follower of mine @
yes I know them both dswigle in other platforms as well
And I agree a supportive community can be so helpful for sure
What a beautiful image, the colors of the sky in the sunset, all that wraps this photo is wonderful. I have heard a lot about #thealliance very often I read post of you and the great community that are I recently entered by a friend and hope to make a nice friendship with all members. It is my pleasure to know your work. With affection Betania :)
Thanks for such a sweet comment welcome to thealliance 😎👍😎
Great read, well explained. Glad to be a part of the family!
Havre a great day :)
Glad to have you onboard
My greeting and respect to all, I will apologize, I support a translator to express my opinion on this writing. In Spanish we say "it has hit the nail on the head", and I have taken it literally as mine, that masterful way of describing what we are, "a family of creators" and that as a family we open roads. My respect to everyone.
Thanks kindly
Sorry for short replie crazy busy today and so little time