πŸ“Œ'Eyes On'πŸ‘€- Issue #1πŸ““

in #thealliance β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

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#thealliance Is

...one big happy family, and it is our duty to uphold our standard as quality curators and creators. Keeping that in mind as you read the rest of this, do remember that it is the engagement that makes us great and thrive as a community. Don't know who your family members are? This profile follows **ONLY** our members and the support accounts. Our strength is only as powerful as the community in its combined efforts to support each other. We're doing amazing everyone, let's stay focused! Huge shout out to those that are taking steps toward helping us grow faster by delegating SP or contributing some of their hard earned SBD/STEEM to @thealliance or any of our other support accounts. You know who you are :)

Special Thanks

I would like to, and encourage you to as well, personally give a special thanks to our support accounts that have been helping our fantastic allies grow along with us. Aside from @thealliance, we have: Killer Whale - @killerwhale (trained by @enginewitty), Share The Steem Love - @stsl (ran by @bmj), Tye Dye Firepower - @tyedyefirepower (ran by @armshippie) and The Mother Ship - @themothership (ran by @michaeldavid). Why? Because they don't have to go the extra mile to support any of you. They CHOOSE to and as such, should be given at least a pat on the back and thank you. So from #thealliance, I say, thank you for being supportive of our family, we really appreciate it!

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How Do I Join??

The first and best thing you can do is *READ THIS POST*. That way, you will find out who we are and what we represent. From there, you will head to The Admissions Office. There, you will be greeted and asked to submit an application. It is currently headed up by several officers. Former Gamma leader & long time veteran @edthecanadian, new 'take no prisoners' officer @battleaxe and the 'Latino Tandem', @sol25 & @leyargoz (former leaders of the Beta Syndicate). We also have several other Spanish speaking advisors across the 'Schoolyard' including @oscarps, @txatxy, @mrstrange & @crisangel. We want to make sure no one feels left out and is comfortable, regardless of their native tongue. The sole purpose of the office is for applications. This is **THE ONLY** way anyone can become a member of #thealliance now. This is the front door. This is the 'Sorting Hat'. This is the only point of entry. The officers there will review your profile and application to decide whether or not you are alliance material. Some (unfortunately) will have to be turned away. Some will have potential and need to become 'students', if they so choose. Others will be sent directly to 'the playground'.

Wait, I Have to go to 'Class'?

So maybe you haven't been rejected, and maybe you weren't told to go to 'recess' with the other 'kids'. You may have been sent to 'The Classroom'. Here, we train you become a quality content producer that we feel comfortable the rest of our family would engage with. Along with the Spanish team/'Latino Tandem', this server is being run by another officer and some handpicked 'teachers'. @topkpop (former Alpha Syndicate leader) has the most experience and a critical eye for quality. She will be assisted by long time member @avesa and former syndicate members @katrina-ariel and @ameliabartlett. I am confident they'll do a fine job tweeking our students before sending them to 'the playground'.

Well, What's the 'Playground'?

When you are sent to 'recess', it means you have the quality we desire. Remember, not only are we a family of quality content creators, but, **CURATORS** as well. This is where we find out if you are going to be grafting yourselves to the family tree or if you just intend on swinging around on our branches. The 'playground' is under the watchful eyes of some of the most engaging members and officers we have in #thealliance. The thoughtful @tattoodjay (former Gamma Syndicate leader) is teamed up with the sweet social butterfly @saffisara (former Alpha Syndicate leader). On top of the Spanish team, we're also bringing in some hot @c0ff33a to help keep our eyes open and on the 'kids' during recess. They will be attentive to the support and engagement you 'kids' are out there offering. Here, you will also be exposed to The 'House Rules' and it is expected you show them your courtesy. The point is to mold and meld you to blend into our family atmosphere so you are easily welcomed by the rest of our 'society'.


Just because someone is accepted as a member or is a member now, does not necessarily mean they will forever remain a member. That is solely the choice of the ally to maintain the required participation level within the family. Members' content and engagement are checked periodically by the Quality Control Officers. The Juyo will also check to see the amount of support given to your family. If it is believed to be too low and an individual is lacking the desired family unity, then it is grounds for removal and MOST will be asked about your intentions. Notification will depend on the level of commitment you had shown PRIOR to getting put on the chopping block. Some may start strong and trickle off, some may not even graft themselves to the family tree at all. If you are or have been removed, feel free to re-apply at any time. All new and re-applying members are subject to the same application process, regardless of your STEEM Power or Reputation, and will have to report to The Admissions Office.

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Saturday Chat - 7 p.m. EST

Friendly reminder that this Saturday, will be our weekly 'pow-wow'. We will start at roughly 7 p.m. EST this time and go until whenever. The purpose is to familiarize yourself more with your fellow allies and go over any changes or suggestions people may have. We're a family, and want you all to participate in the growth and steady flow of Allied activity and really just get to know each other. See you there!

The Featured Member

As the vast majority of you all are well aware of, @thealliance runs a 'Featured Member' series as part of our curation agenda. This is to honor and highlight particular members of #thealliance that have been putting in the time to support other members and have been consistent in their work and engagement on Steemit. This week, our terrific member is @avesa, do stop in and show him the respect he has earned and deserves!

Eyes On

#thealliance tag is very useful to keep track of allied posts and give credit where credit is due. I'm sure there are some great posts from our family that didn't use our tag, but since this is @thealliance... These next few posts were chosen based on the value they have provided to Steemit users in reference to the platform as a whole. Thank you for writing them!

Duly Noted

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This next group of posts are ones that are just enjoyable to read for anyone and should have all of your 'eyes on' them. Just really great quality posts that we here at #thealliance love to see and read. Please enjoy the ones we have selected here and give them a pat on the back!

Excellent Reads

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In this next section is a selection of posts that are astounding to just look at. Eye candy for the brain's visual delight. It is a group of top-notch pictures and artwork by members using our tag in their post. We hope you gain the same awe struck sensation as our eyes did upon seeing them.

The Visual Arts


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We have a good handful of poets and in our family's wings, so spotlighting them in their own section only seems like an agreeable option. Please enjoy the various forms of poetry like sonnets, haikus, free-verse poems and just beautiful reflections of the heart, mind and soul portrayed by the written word.


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I purposely DID NOT put pictures of all these fabulous foods because it was making me hungry going through them as it was! I also urge the people that do these kinds of posts to enter @progressivechef's contest, STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 Act 01 Round 04. This delicious section is 'for the foodies'.

For The Foodies

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Stack 'em up peoples! I know some of you just love seeing all that metallic luster splattered on your screens. So here is your favorite part of the post! Ooooh...shiny...

Strictly For The Stackers

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#thealliance Sweet 16

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#thealliance Witness Posts

TAG! You're IT!!

So, we have come up with a new game of tag to implement more engagement and some more fun for the platform. Almost like hide and seek! There is no special 'tag' or 'category'. The winner will get a vote purchased from @sneaky-ninja by @enginewitty for their most recent post. If @sneaky-ninja has already visited, another upvote bot will be chosen. The winner this past week is @krazypoet who last tagged @platosgroove in this post: Abandoned #4. Congrats! @enginewitty will be around soon enough ;)

  • Each week, this post decides who is 'IT' first for the week.
  • You may ONLY tag other allies across the 4 Families.
  • If you are tagged, you must write a post - not about the game.
  • In the post somewhere, you must tag someone else.
  • You cannot tag the person who tagged you.
  • The last person to TAG SOMEONE will win that week.
  • Wash, Rinse, Repeat...sound fun? Hey @skye1, you're it!

Y.A.H. Valentine's Fundraiser

For the next three Thursdays this month (two more left), we will be doing a fundraiser for our fabulous charity group here on Steemit - You Are H.O.P.E. So, what we would appreciate that everyone do is spare us one 100% upvote on these posts each week. All the SBD generated from these will be sent to @youarehope for them to use as they see fit. It doesn't matter if you're part of the family or not, get your keesters over there help us show and spread some love!

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to read this (those that actually did). I also hope people visit the articles and profiles mentioned here to see about and support your family. Any questions anyone may have about anything or contests you want to promote, feel free to post those in the comments as well.

Making sure we're all on the same page! Remember...

just keep swimming...just keep swimming...

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Sort: Β 

I will start going through there awesome posts! I know I've seen many of the already 😁! As always thank you for your support and everything you do bro.

Much appreciated amigo. Some great stuff up there.

Phew! A stellar compendium. This is tremendously beneficial to us. Thank your for scrupulously scouring our ranks and featuring so many wonderful writers and artists! #thealliance is growing and I'm grateful I got in when I did! It'll be an honor to serve in the classroom. πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ«

Another superb edition, I am enjoying the new format for the discord servers, it's taken a little while to get used to so many more new people in one place but fortunately everyone has been very welcoming. The visual arts section is fantastic - so many amazing pictures in one place. I will be spending most of my day today just going through all these amazing posts I somehow missed from members.

Our feeds get eaten up sometimes by resteems and most often, simply the timing of people's posts. Glad you taking time out for them :)

This is the biggest reason I like these posts!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Agreed! Everyone all in one place... I would love to have more SP so that I can upvote more posts... All the posts are super awesome!!! Gonna power up more!!!

MMmmmm maybe it's time to put in my application?

I think you should, @thealliance could do with a little bit of Hawaii in it!

Thanks for all the effort you put into these Notes posts. I love seeing so many members highlighted! This is super helpful for me β€” even though I try to get to as many posts as possible, I can only do so much. This gives me another opportunity to support more Alliance members. It's also super helpful for me to share with people asking about the family! πŸ’–

How I refer people when asked. Send them to one of these. Figure if they take the time to read it, they at least have the dedication we silently praise ;)

I believe I have one applicant coming up @enginewitty. I would be happy to assist her in the office for admission soon. Thanks so much for having me at @thealliance guys

Have you been paying attention in the server?

Lol sorry about that

Really awesome work and effort putting these posts together mate! Your hard work is appreciated by all!

Thanks for all the support!

And thank you too buddy, people overlook the extra hand you've extended.

It's all good. I don't do it for the attention. I do it because The Alliance rocks!

I really like the new name Eyes On great fit πŸ˜‰
This is a great update and I know all the new changes has been taken time to get use to but as always you made it into a great thing and now it all make sense and we get the chance to get to know each other better 😊
Love our family πŸ€— all your hard work on this post really shows. Awsome!

I can really see the growth here. Its very drastic but I do believe its for sonething good. There is nowhere to go but up here at #thealliance

Yay!!!! Lol... im honored to be mentioned.. much love everyone.. i see a bunch of my favorites here along side me.. i feel all warm and fuzzy now.. #imkindaweird its a true story lol

Fantastic update! Thanks for all the hard work that took for you to do this as it was a really extensive post. Great posts for everyone to check out too.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Honored to be featured in the first issue of Eyes On!!! πŸ’•πŸ’– πŸ’“ πŸ’—

Earned and deserved sweets!

Well deserved sis, proud that you're being featured here :) Keep up the good work~

Thank you, bro!

I am really happy that my Posts are starting to get included in the Notes.

And I am really Sorry that I am unable to interact with many others in #thealliance.

We see you around commenting here and there. I know you have things to deal with :)

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Many thanks to everyone who contributed in making #thealliance the way it is today.
@avesa was my last weekend's discovery I was amazed with her work :)
So much amazing talents we have in our family

Thanks so much for featuring my photo in The Visual Arts! It was such a lovely surprise to wake up to!! I'm happy to be a part of a great group of people and thank you for the support and encouragement!!

thank you for this post, once again I see what a beautiful company and nice people around me in our #thealliance!!!

Thank you for all you do! UV resteem.

I really love that cupid in your post, its so damn cute and many thanx for the wonderful updates as always. I am always eager to see my name somewhere in your notes, now Eyes On :-) The visual arts posts are classic. TheAlliance is growing rapidly and I need to buck up, I have not been able to catch up on quite a few post but am trying to not miss out any. Thanx for all your efforts @thealliance and the strong bond you develop in this circle :-)

Nahh, thanks for the andvance informations xD
#thealliance =3


Great read @thealliance! Thanks for highlighting my post and giving links to all the other great posts that I have missed!

This lovely post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Kind of you, thanks!

You are most welcome!

I am honored to be included, and very grateful!

I am happy to have found #thealliance through headmaster @topkpop. I am still in the classroom for now but I am working seriously behind the scene to up my game by readimg a lot on how to be better.

The dragon growing in me will soon be unleashed. BETTER DAYS LIE AHEAD

Im so glad to be featured! It really feels great to be a part if this community. I can see it grow day by da @themothership is about to set launch. @stsl is coming on board and #thealliance is gaining so much momwntum especially with the restructuring of thecommunity. Although I do miss alpha, I thunk this is the symbol of growth.

Currently in #theplaygorund for #recess but hoping to make it into #thealiance real soon.

Congrats to everyone featured also! We rock

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It's so great to see everyone in one place here! It is taking a little bit of getting used to, but, I am really liking it!

As always, thank you for the awesome shout-out! Keep on Steemin!

Upvote and Resteem

Agreed it takes a bit of getting used to but I now have way more people to follow! gonna have to put in some extra hours but luckily the content is awesome.

very well written!

Awesome update as always! And thanks for including my latest post as well :)

All excellent choices! Makes it easy with so many good posts to read in one place.

Thanks for featuring my post.:-)

I hope ive been active enough in supporting the community i feel i should be doing more and will when i have the time, i haven't been on discord much recently so have probably missed some updates but ill try harder i dont wanna get the boot! :)

I don't even want to imagine the work you invested to create this. This is astonishing. Srsly, did you do anything else this week? Anything at all? (Like eat? Sleep? Answer Nature's Call a time or two?)

Leido a traves del traductor google, mi humilde apoyo y reconocimiento a esta nueva estructura de Thealliance. thank you for existing

hello family, it's good to see many of us

Love the organization and clear explanation of the group. Already recognize so many of the members' names & enjoy their content. Hope to see y'all on the other side of the application line sometime soon 😊

Be happy to have you join us :)

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Epic post and with so many great featured posts!! will this be a regular thing? by that I mean all these different features in one place or seperate posts for eyes on etc and featured member etc. Also thanks so much for giving my post a shout out! I have only been in the Alliance for a couple of weeks but the support has been awesome and great friends have been made. Thanks.

Thanks for putting this together and your great work in the community!

We are restructuring, taking new paths of growth and evolution, our family will grow and I will be there to support in this great path that awaits us.

Oh my Gosh!! I can't believe that i got featured in a post by #thealliance . Good to see lot of family members mentioned here, looking forward to for our bright future :)

I loved reading these, exceptional posts from our members. Thanks for bringing them up.

As always very informative, I usually spend a whole day just to read your post, it leads me to the posts of other members where I can find whatever I am looking. I like that you divided everything in grouped sections, that helps to get navigated through the posts and topics. Great job, I trust you put a lot of time and efforts to bring it so nice and tidy and easy looking :)

So if we are already accepted, how do we know if we are supposed to go to the the classroom or playground?

Have you been on discord in the past 4 days?

wow nice change in the room super like it .... ;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

@thealliance I loved the ways you created this alliance to bring all the talented "Planktons", "Minnows", "Dolphins", "Ocras" and "Killer whales" together :)

You got a 9.44% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @thealliance!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

nice post ..

.. tnemmoc ecin

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

☠️ get him killer 🀣


It does feel great to see so many people I connected with recently featured in here! Thank you once more for all your efforts of putting all this together.