20-25% is a good margin for family engagement. It is totally an investment. The groundwork we lay here matters more than a lot of people can see. It's really sad when I see people slipping away and haven't posted or commented in months. It's also, as I said, a cold truth about this chain as should be apparent with the new HF quickly approaching. I'm really gearing people up for a tighter 'unit' that can withstand it which is why I'm putting all this out here. If we all band together more closely, we won't be affected nearly as much.
EDIT: Also, never mandatory to be on a trail. Just makes it easier for some people trusting their vote to us.
There are so many good things happening at the moment (dtube, palnet and others) - and so many exciting things that could happen - I am sure we can withstand the coming HF storm... and come out the other side stronger