Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and comment on it with all of your thoughts! That system you described definitely does sound like it would be more optimal for rental cars; too bad it's not being currently implemented as the industry standard! And yes, the festival DEFINITELY was worth a lot to me.
I went to it for the first time last year, and in all my years of raving I had never experienced anything like it, so myself as well as everyone else in my group camp who was there for the first time as well, we all made a promise that we would come back again this year and every year going forward because we had finally found the home that we didn't even know we had been searching for.
So I crossed heaven and earth this year to make it happen even when conditions weren't optimal. I just knew that I had to be there, and sure enough, the things that happened to me during the actual festival (which you can read about if you check out my profile, as my most recent posts are all about the festival experiences I had) are things that changed my life forever and have left a long lasting impression on me. So I am really glad I went, despite everything that fell apart after the festival ended.
Also, it's easy for you to criticize someone in such a situation and tell them they should have been more vigilant, etc. For the record, I'm a military veteran who as a result of my service usually ALWAYS pays meticulous attention to detail and is hypervigilant of everything at all times. But being in such a situation of course my head was not in the right place so I was unable to be my usual hypervigilant self, I just wanted the nightmare to be over and I wanted to be making progress towards going home, so I just took my friend's word and went with it.