I am trying to linkeverything i do on steemit with reddit untill I can start to get at least 100 people a day from reddit to steemit!
I will post on Advice Animals, on TheDOnld on Pics on trees all thetoop subreddits! We will have an AskSteemit a ChainBB Tutoria a steemit overall general tutorial and local meetups we will make sure that if u need help setting up steemit we will find u someone in your own area who will be your steemit angel
i have already volunteered to be that person for san diego my local area nd i get at least 2 calls a day from mostly people answrering my craogslist ad whre i offer to help people get started with Bitcin Blockchain Steemit and they all love it! and i am now a bitcoin consultant as people are payng me now just to talk to them and my advice has made oeople money!
U TOO can becoe a crypto cyrrecny butcoin FinTech consultant in your area! put up fliers! Use my template and replacemy name and number and email with yours!
I plan onhanding these out everyday to 100 people in real life AND getting 100 people ONLINE to join steemit!
They all are hungry for more bitcoin and when they diiscover they can EARN crypto currency on a website thats just as easy as every social media website theyve ever been to, they get really excited! And teh steemit platform sells itself! Bitcoins sell themselves as peopel see the price going up like clockwork! theres never beena stock that hasjust gone up ike this this much this consistently or ths long that allowed THIS MANY peoel to ump in for this long!
Ok so our work is ahead of us! we have our work cut out for us! but lets allow @jesta and @cryptoctopus and @zappl rest while we do the leg work !
they built something AMAZINg for us and now we should strategicallly target the donlald sureddit whic is one of reddits largest community, along with al the big subreddits and post ur hearts out about steemit and how they can make money in their sleep onteemit just commenting upvoting and subitting content that reddit should have started paying the for YEARS ago!
donald trump himself s9hould love this idea! A website that makes people rich, without them havung to pay for anything? and it ends up creating its own large marketcap crypt cyrrency? he will be on baord all the way
this whole website is making waves people think its tooo good to be true like when it was discussed on my local KOGo raduo station!
ok steemiters lets do thI! email me if u need help [email protected]
Wow, quite an effort. This is something you rarely see even in Reddit. Seems like Steemit is working on so many levels. Steem on ;)