Did (((THEY))) seed Hurricane Harvey to make Trump Look Bad?

in #thedonald8 years ago (edited)

Check out this video by Secureteam10 showing "something" odd happening right before the hurricane intensified. Could it be the HAARP system? Could it be cloud seeding like they did in Vietnam?

The whole situation with the Houston mayor not calling an emergency and telling people to stay home in defiance of the President I believe is telling.

Check this out and let me know what you think in the comments! God bless!


Aaaah. My steemit favorites. I missed you guys. It's lonely out there!

What's up bud? Been gone for a bit? Welcome back!

There is very little doubt in my mind that hurricane Harvey was man made. The way is appeared out of nowhere and then strenghtened when it hit land was clue but when you watch the satelitte views of it and become aware of how Nexrad and Haarp can be used to manipulate the weather it becomes even clearer. I personally believe that the majority of 'extreme' weather events are man made but the powers that should not be can always rely on the ignorance of people to the technology that has existed for decades that makes weather control possible. When I suggest that storms might be man made or strengthened/steered people just laugh. It's too much for them to consider. Next thing, I'll be telling them that all of the world wars were planned and there were no gas chambers ;-)

Most people are not ready for the red pill.

Oh yeah. And Harvey sings HAARP for sure. I love watching all the voodoo backfire too. It's inspiring.