Most of my postings have to do with current events, conspiracies, the occult & God/Jesus/the Bible. But most of them in some way involve Donald Trump. So I will be hashtagging #thedonald on most of my posts in the hopes of creating a "The_Donald" type section here on Steemit like there is on Reddit where like minded people can come, check out my articles, comment, joke around, etc.

I love that Steemit doesn't censor and allows all opinions & beliefs to be heard, shared, debated, etc. It makes me want to do a happy dance while sticking the middle finger into as Matt Drudge calls it "the internet ghettos" like Google/Youtube/Facebook/Twitter. Kinda like this...

And you can actually MAKE MONEY doing it!!! I welcome everyone who has the same interests to hashtag their articles with #thedonald as well so we know where to meet up here on the wonderful world of Steemit!
As always please let me know what you think in the comments & God Bless!

humble meme farmer checking in
Oh hey, I am from T_D too and actually followed you from one of your other posts awhile back :)
LearnToMaga on TD!
this is what i have been waiting for i will spread this immediately graet work we got to make this happed
so we just start a #thedonald campaign