Trust me... If I wanted to be one of you Scum-Bags, I would have made a fortune... So, you think it's funny that my Posts and Reputation was ATTACKED... Very few people will DARE to STAND UP to the POWER of all you SCUM-BAGS... I get angry, each and every time I sign on to Steemt... If I am not made whole, or if these Posts and Comments aren't used to restore what was TAKEN from me, I will become just like you SCUM-BAGS... You haven't seen anything yet... I really don't look forward to it... I'm hoping you people will reconsider what you have done... And stop telling me I did it to myself... You Scum-Bags have stumbled upon a Hornets Nest... Don't let this opportunity pass you SCUM-BAGS by... You are one of those sitting at the Top of my List...
March 12, 2020... 13.0 Hollywood Time...
Whatever. You do yourself no favours. If Steem makes you angry then do something else. Tried flower arranging?
Then don't do it. It's your choice whether to drag things out or move on. Your persistence seems all out of proportion with what you claim to have lost. But Steem is all about freedom.