Great stuff! I enjoyed hearing what you had to say.
You seem very interested in this stuff as well. Check out some of my other posts (abundance, fast growing company) and let me know what you think.
As for what does abundance mean?
Well, I think this is going to mean something different for everyone. I encourage you to share what your definition of abundance means with everyone! The more we speak abundance into our lives and daily consciousness, the more we can create this reality. So, let's keep the discussion of abundance going!
For me, abundance means a lot of things. From global prosperity, smiling and happiness, to the abundance around us each and everyday.
Basically, I believe that we can achieve anything. So, we each just need to decide what we really want in life and then surround ourselves with the right people and together as a team we can help one another.
Singularity University... Check them out, let me know what you think. Check out @Federicopistono, he's a graduate of SU.