Breakthrough or Signpost?

in #thegreatlielast year (edited)


  1. Ref:
  2. { insert signpost announcements from any elite college, MIT, Stanford, etc on AI, regurgitated from 1900s }

It was so enlightening to listen to a a 1970s partially public speech about ai funding,denoting how AI research was largely area-specific fine tuning LLMs that were making profound advances, but that all other research should stop, funding should stop, chatter should stop.

Ah, but of course. Why prematurely breach protocol for the sake of advancing humanity, solving big problems for a mired human race? Indeed, put the lid back on please, Lighthill, in the 70s on LLMs.

But here we are, about 50 years later. Stunned by the new-fangled 1bit. IBM and Amazon both patting themselves on the back, punching out new chips and mainframes for industry.

When Hitler was working with IBM, there were no questions. But with the US public, or Huggingface, takedowns are in order!

Alas, minor introductions are in order: The US public is now aware of further performance upgrades to the tech that has now come to be at the forefront, and not relegated to the backburner as was done for decades upon decades since the time of Hitler, and earlier.


The list of tech held back is gargantuan... but we are a sleepy people.


Wow I'll be darned, IBM, you wunderkind, you. So impressive how you use old world research to make yourselves rich while pretending you are so wise, learned, and simply inventive like clockwork, at the right time no less! Acting, so natural you almost believe it yourself, like your parade...