Ultimate Wrestling Season 2 - Ch. 10: Friday Night Clash 16! Part - 3


Click here for Part: 1: https://peakd.com/fiction/@ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-10-friday-night-clash-16-part-1

Click here for Part 2: https://peakd.com/theinkwell/@ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-10-friday-night-clash-16-part-2








Holly Hudson: Damas y caballeros, ¿están listos para nuestro evento principal de la noche? ¡Nuestro último partido de esta noche es también un partido de hándicap de cuatro contra uno, programado para un otoño! ¡Haciendo su camino hacia el ring ahora, el equipo liderado por Takuma Sato y Boris Drago, y nuestro nuevo equipo de Ultimate Wrestling, None! ¡¡Más!! ¡¡¡Negro!!!

Chris Rodgers: None more what?

Scott Slade: None More Black, Chris. Dillinger and Rage. Newly signed, and I got tell you, they look damn impressive.

Chris Rodgers: Are they American?

Scott Slade: {sigh} ...Yes, Chris, they're American.

Chris Rodgers: About damn time!

"Elephant" by Tame Impala began to play on the speaker system as Sato walked out onto the stage sporting his R.O.S. red vest and a very sour look on his face. Behind him was the massive seven-foot Russian, Boris Drago, who seemed to be making sure that Sato didn't try to run off and abandon them. A few moments later, the team of Eric Dillinger and Johnny Rage walked out from behind the curtain and walked out onto the stage as well. The group received a poor reception from the Mexican fans who seemed concerned that their hero, Valora Salinas, was forced to fight all of them by herself.

Chris Rodgers: Now, this looks like a squad that's ready to do some damage!

Scott Slade: No question about it; Valora has her work cut out for her tonight. I'm sure "None More Black" wants to put on a good showing for their debut. The rumor backstage is that the Russian's don't particularly like Salinas. The question here is how Sato will play into this match. He doesn't seem too impressed with Vice President Anderson's booking from the look on his face.

Chris Rodgers: If I was him, I'd take advantage of the situation and really take it to Salinas. The more damage he inflicts on her tonight, the easier it will be for him to win his Submission Championship back at Ultra Slam.

Scott Slade: Sato has too much honor for that kind of behavior. This isn't Huckleberry we're talking about. Plus, Salinas and Sato have a lot of respect for one another.

Chris Rodgers: Bah! When it comes to championships, all that honor stuff goes out the window. Trust me!

The group made their way into the ring and began discussing who would be the first wrestler to take on Valora. Referee Bob Sigro walked over to them to have words with the team just as their music was cut. "Bring It" by Trapt hit the sound system. The entire stadium erupted into a roar as Valora Salinas bolted out from behind the stage curtain and acknowledged her diehard fans. Abbigail Dresden walked out a few seconds later, joining her mentor Valora. It was clear that Dresden was there to give her as much support as she could.

Holly Hudson: ¡Su oponente! ¡Estar acompañada por su protegida Abbigail Dresden! ¡Ella es la ex campeona de franquicia y la actual campeona de lucha por sumisión! ¡Proveniente de la ciudad perdida de Los Ángeles! VALORA !! SALINAS !!!

Scott Slade: Just listen to this capacity crowd! I get chills every time Valora steps on stage!

Chris Rodgers: My God. Why don't you kiss her ass some more? This woman is a known domestic terrorist, and you worship the ground she walks on. I'll never understand you lib-tards!

Scott Slade: Whatever, grandpa.

Valora took a deep breath, exhaled, and then sprinted down the ramp, through aisle way, and dove into the wrestling ring. Once inside, she wasted no time and went right after the massive Russian, Boris Drago, who was caught off guard. Valora pummeled him with lightning-fast right hands straight to his jaw and backed him up against the ropes. She then shoved him into the ropes and sent the lumbering giant in motion. Drago bounced off the ring ropes on the other side and came back flying toward Valora, who nailed him with a dropkick. Drago stumbled backward, desperately trying to keep his balance as Valora got back on her feet quickly. The seven-footer found his center with the ring ropes' support and came back at Valora with a powerful clothesline. Sadly for him, the agile Salinas ducked underneath his massive arm. Valora bounced off the ropes and hit Boris with a spear just as he'd turned around to face her.

Scott Slade: Valora is approaching this match like a bat out of hell! Look at her go! She knew it would take mega force to take big Boris off his feet, and she hit him like rhinoceros on a rampage.

Chris Rodgers: These Russians are useless! I thought this guy was supposed to be tough! I thought he was raised in grueling Siberia! He's embarrassing his whole nation!

Scott Slade: I think he just found what it's like to take on the toughest American bitch in wrestling!

The blow knocked Boris flat on his back on the mat, allowing Salinas to mount him and rain down hard punches to his face. The Mexican fans roared and cheered as Salinas got up off of Boris. She acknowledges her fans inside the Azteca stadium before dropping series of elbows on Drago's chest as he struggled to get back up. She then covered her Russian opponent and hooked his leg. The giant seven-footer quickly kicked out though before Sigro could even get on the mat and count to one. The fans booed as Drago struggled free from Valora and got back onto his feet. Valora came at him with another haymaker, but this time the big brute blocked it and then kicked Salinas in the gut with his size 18 wrestling boot. Valora let out a guttural sound, which silenced the Mexican fans. Spit flew from her mouth as Borris clobbered her with an epic European uppercut. The blow rocked Valora and sent her stumbling back into the corner turnbuckle of the ring. Boris stomped the other way toward his team and aggressively tagged in Eric Dillinger.

Chris Rodgers: Alright. Let's see what this kid can do.

Scott Slade: Six, two. Two hundred forty-six pounds from San Antonio, Texas. Only 23 years of age makes him the third-youngest wrestler on the roster, currently behind Abbigail Dresden and Takuma Sato.

Chris Rodgers: A Texan! Hell yeah! About damn time the great State of Texas was represented here in Ultimate Wrestling!

Dillinger went to work on Salinas, hammering her in the corner with some tremendous bionic elbows straight to her forehead. He then grabbed hold of the Latina and sent her flying toward the opposite turnbuckle across from them. Valora whacked the rigid turnbuckle spine first and slumped into the corner with her dark black hair plastered over her swollen forehead. Eric then sprinted into the corner of the ring after her and attempted a big splash, but Salinas got her leg up in time and booted the Texan straight in the face. The dazed Dillinger stumbled back, which allowed Valora to grab hold of him by the back of the head and neck. She then ripped off the top turnbuckle pad and slammed his head face-first into the metal several times, busting the young gun's forehead wide open.

Chris Rodgers: Good lord! That crazy bitch needs to be disqualified! You can't do that!

Scott Slade: Eric Dillinger has been busted, open, ladies and gentlemen! If blood makes you squeamish, I suggest changing the channel.

Chris Rodgers: Are you trying to get us fired? Don't tell people to change the channel!

The Mexican fans roared and chanted Valora's name as Dillinger's blood stained the wrestling mat red. Valora let go of Texan and hopped up onto the top turnbuckle before turning around to face her bloodied opponent. She then jumped off the top rope and dove over Dillinger, grabbing his waist on the way down to roll him up into a pin. The referee dove to the mat and immediately started the count as the rest of team Anderson looked on helplessly.

Scott Slade:* Flying sunset flip into a pin! O.N.E.!! T.W.O.!!! NO!!!!

Chris Rodgers: This kid is greener than a New York pickle on a corn beef sandwich! God damn, that was close! I wouldn't want to be the one that cost team Anderson this match. Allen doesn't strike me as the forgiving type...

Scott Slade: He's in the ring with a living legend; he's got to get on his A-game if he doesn't want to lose this thing. Ether that or tag out and let someone else have a shot at her.

Chris Rodgers: He's losing a lot of blood! That can't be helping!

Dillinger got back up onto his feet, only to immediately be rolled up into another pin by the ring wise veteran. Once again, Dillinger kicked out at two, and once again, he got back on his feet quickly before receiving a powerful spinning back heel kick to his gut. The kick knocked the Texan onto his back, which allowed Salinas to sprint to the ropes, leap up onto the middle rope, and springboarded herself into a moonsault. The Latin fans roared as she crashed onto Dillinger's chest hard before hooking his leg and covering him for a pin. Once again, the young Texan kicked out, showing remarkable resilience and toughness as Valora pounded the wrestling mat in frustration with her inability to put away the rookie. Valora got back up, breathing heavy, a bit gassed and attempted to pull Dillinger up for a big move. However, the rookie caught the Latina by surprise with an elbow to her midsection and followed it up with a massive devil-lock Saito Suplex.

Chris Rodgers: Hell yeah! This kid's got some stones on him! It's about time someone didn't fold like a house of cards against this crazy bitch! What a maneuver to fight back from a position of weakness!

Scott Slade: Valora has kept the momentum in her favor since the start of this match. However, all the momentum she'd built up just came to a crashing halt. Dillinger on his feet first and forgoes attempting a pin and tags in his partner Johnny Rage.

Chris Rodgers: Valora's in trouble now! Just look at this big grizzled bastard! Seven feet tall, three hundred pounds, and he makes Boris over there look like a Russian boy scout!

Scott Slade: Hahaha, that was a good one, gramps!

The big-man stepped over the top rope and came face to face with Valora in the ring center. The exhausted Latina looked dead on her feet as she started to throw large haymakers at Johnny Rage, catching him off-guard. The submission champion backed Rage up into the corner and then attempted to mount him on the turnbuckle. Johnny put a stop to that with a powerful headbutt that knocked Valora down to the wrestling mat. The agile Latina recovered quickly, rolling back up onto her feet, much to her fans' delight. The crowd's applause infuriated Rage, who made sure to silence them by nailing a hard-charging Valora with a big boot to the face.

Scott Slade: Oof! That's the second time tonight Valora has caught a Shaq-sized boot to the face.

Chris Rodgers: I'd hate to see her dental bill later this week! Hahaha!

Scott Slade: You love every minute of this, don't you?

Chris Rodgers: You know it!

Rage picked Valora back up to her feet, tossed her into his team's corner, and followed it up with a massive mafia kick. Valora stumbled out of the corner, holding the top rope for support. Rage maneuvered in behind Valora and planted a kick to the back of her right knee that sent the Latina backward onto her skull. The Mexican fans booed as Rage looked back at Dillinger and surprisingly tagged him back into the match. Rage sneered at Dillinger as he stepped back into the ring, screaming, "that's how you do it," to try and pump his partner up. Johnny Rage then locked in an arm wringer and dragged Valora back over to their corner. Eric climbed up to the middle rope, put his fingers together in a U shape as if to zero in on Valora, and then jumped off. Much to the fans' displeasure and the frustration of Referee Bob Sigro, the young Texan eye gauged Valora in mid-air. Valora stumbled back, holding her face in pain as Rage high stepped back out of the ring and took his place amongst his teammates in their corner.

Chris Rodgers: Now that's teamwork!

Scott Slade: That crap was totally illegal! Dillinger almost poked Valora's eyes out!

Chris Rodgers: Oh please! Like Valora Salinas has never used eye gauge in her career. Give me a break! Plus, I didn't hear you crying about Salinas tearing the padding off the turnbuckle earlier!

With Valora's vision a blur, she stumbled back into Dillinger's waiting arms, which allowed him to fold her in half with another devastating Saito suplex. Dillinger, pleased with himself, had a disturbing smile on his blood-soaked face as he laid next to Valora's limp body. He began to wipe his hands in a back and forth motion telling the Mexican fans that he was done with the match. He then laid back for a few seconds before kipping up to show his athleticism. The arena's noise level was unreal as the Mexican fans cursed at the American and attempted to throw garbage into the wrestling ring. He moved over to Valora and planted a boot into her backside. Abbigail Dresden looked on with a worried expression on her face as she watched Dillinger drag her mentor into his corner. Once there, he tagged in her friend and tag team partner Takuma Sato.

Scott Slade: I'm not sure why Eric didn't go for the pin there. Valora looked pretty prone after that unique and devastating suplex.

Chris Rodgers: I hate to tell you this, Scotty, but I don't think this about winning. Anderson sent these four to do a job, and that job is to make sure Valora Salinas never wrestles again!

Scott Slade: I wouldn't put it past him. Anderson is a psychopath in a suit, and you know it. Now, look at this! Sato refuses to take part in this match and just tagged Boris back in as the legal man!

Chris Rodgers: Damn that shifty son of a bitch! Anderson is not going to be happy about that!

The seven-foot-tall Russian high stepped over the top rope before shoving Sato up against the ropes. Boris pointed his index finger straight in the martial artist's face while screaming at him, clearly unhappy with Takuma. Sato stared at him coldly, unimpressed by his attempts to intimidate him. While this was all transpiring, Valora managed to catch a breath and get back to her feet. With the Russian focused on Sato, she sprinted up behind him and reached underneath him to roll him up for a surprise pin. Referee Bob Sigro dove to the mat and managed to get to a count of two before the giant Drago kicked out, sending Valora flying off him and onto her backside on the wrestling mat. As the match continued, Allen Anderson walked out onto the stage and stormed down to the ring with a furious look on his face.


Scott Slade: Wait just a minute, that's V.P. Allen Anderson! He's coming down to ringside! This is not his usual MO, people. Anderson has always been the type to pull strings from the shadows. He hardly ever gets personally involved!

Chris Rodgers: He probably just wants a front-row seat to this epic smackdown Salinas is taking. I know I'm enjoying it!

Scott Slade: This vendetta has to run deeper than we know. Why else would he be going to these lengths?

Anderson quickly made his way to where Sato was standing on the apron and began to chew him out. The ultimate wrestling crew's boom microphones picked up some of what Anderson was saying. He scolded Sato, reminding him that if he didn't end Valora's career that the deal was off, and he'd never see his mother ever again. Sato had a conflicted look on his face. Still, he eventually acknowledged Anderson with a nod before turning his focus back to the wrestling match. During Sato and Anderson's drama, Valora had fought her way back into the game. She'd used some brutal, barely legal attacks and had little help from Abbigail Dresden. Abb's had managed to grab hold of big Russian ankle while the referee was distracted. The dirty assist tripped Boris and sent him stumbling into Valora. She quickly locked up his big arms, rotated him around, and then drove his skull straight into the mat with a devastating vertebreaker. The Mexican fans jumped in a roar as Valora covered him for a pin. Her adoring countrymen counted along with Sigro.

Scott Slade: Gringo Killa! GRINGO KILLA!! This could be it!!! O.N.E.!!!! T.W.O.!!!!! NO KICK OUT BY BORIS!!!!!!

Chris Rodgers: Did you see that? Dresden tripped Boris!

Scott Slade: Oh, please! Can't you be serious? It's four on one! Give her a break!

Chris Rodgers: Never! She's scum! Anderson is doing the Ameican people a solid here tonight! I hope he personally escorts her broken body back across the border to the authorities so they can lock her up!



Both wrestlers laid flat on their backs, breathing heavy, trying to catch a second wind. Suddenly, Dasha Ivanova and Hank Sokolov appeared out from the Mexican crowd and hopped over the steel guard railing. They immediately jumped Abbigail, who was too busy cheering Valora on. Sokolov grabbed her by the back of her ponytail and whipped into the steel guard railing sending the Mexican fans into a frenzy of boos and Spanish slurs. Dasha then went to work stomping a mudhole into the young superstar. Valora took notice of the beat down taking place as she got back to her feet.

Scott Slade: Oh, no! This is getting out of control! Now the rest of the Russians are out here. Dresden didn't even see them coming! It was a total surprise attack!

Chris Rodgers: This just keeps getting better and better! Hahahaha!

Salinas attempted to run and slide out of the ring to come to her best friend's aid, but Boris took her down with a drop toehold and locked in an ankle lock submission hold. Valora screamed out loud like a madwoman as she watched Sokolov chokeslam, Abbigail onto the floor. Boris ramped up the pressure attempting to break Valora's ankle. He yelled Russian obscenities at the Mexican fans throwing garbage at him in the ring as he tried to snap it. It looked hopeless for Valora, but the sight of her Dresden taking a beating allowed her to dig down deep and crawl to the ropes. Sigro immediately forced Drago to break the ankle hold. Boris, frustrated, had a few mixed words with the referee before ruthlessly grabbing hold of Valora by her hair. The giant Russian then dragged her back into his corner and tagged in Johnny Rage. The big man from "None More Black" stepped in and motioned for Boris to help pick Valora up.

Scott Slade: Oh man, this does not look good at all; Valora is now at the mercy of two monstrous giants. Ladies and gentlemen, I have no doubt in my mind that these individuals have been promised a fat bonus for their efforts here tonight. Just look at Anderson shouting instructions at them! This is unbelievable! Even Mr. Mudcock wasn't this blatant in his attempts to derail Valora's career!

Chris Rodgers: Anderson doesn't beat around the bush. When he sees cancer, he cut's it out. This is calculated, surgical, and brilliant! Boy Mr. Mudcock really knows how to hire them!

Scott Slade: I just can't believe that Sato is sitting idly by while his tag team partner gets absolutely demolished on the outside. What on Earth is Anderson holding over his head to go along with this sickening display.

Chris Rodgers: Maybe Sato wised up! Maybe Allen and Rupert talked some sense into him after that stunt he pulled on Parker Karlsson Tonight. I heard poor Mr. Karlsson has to have a nose job now! He broke that good-looking man's nose, Scott.

Scott Slade: Good... that said. I think we're witnessing the end of the Young Guns. Whatever friendship Sato had formed with Dresden and Salinas is dissolving in real-time before us!

With Boris and Rage now holding Valora, Boris stretched out her left arm, placing it into a vicious armbar. Following Anderson's instructions, Johnny Rage stretched out and then tagged Sato in as the legal man. Sato stepped in the ring reluctantly with a melancholy look on his face. Boris shouted at him, "DO IT NOW! DO IT!" as he and Johnny struggled to hold onto an enraged Valora. With the fans booing heavily, Sato took a deep breath centering his chi. He then cocked back his arm high and delivered a powerful karate-style chop straight to Valora's forearm, breaking it instantly. Valora let out an ear-piercing shriek as Boris and Rage released their hold on her. Salinas dropped to her knees on the mat, holding her dangling forearm. Satisfied with the injury inflicted on Valora, Rage and Drago stepped out of the ring.

Scott Slade: Oh my god! I think I'm going to be sick to my stomach. Valora left forearm has been broken in half by Sato! That has to be one of the most gruesome injuries I've ever seen!

Chris Rodgers: It's over! Stick a fork in her! Sato's going to put her out to pasture! He broke her arm like it was a two by four at a karate demonstration!

Sato stared at Valora, who had tears rolling down her cheeks due to the searing pain. Sato contemplated the evil act he'd committed against her. This was a fighter Taku respected, a woman who'd helped him fight for social justice, a friend who'd saved his life on several occasions. This was his tag team partners, closest friend, and someone he trusted in a world where no one could be trusted. Referee Bob Sigro was about to call the match when Valora stood up and grabbed him by his striped shirt collar with her good right arm. She screamed at him that there wasn't a chance in hell she was giving up. Her brave fighting spirit took hold of the fans, who began to chant, "Olay, Olay, Olaaay, Valooora, Valooora," over and over again over the sounds of hundreds of vuvuzela horns.

Scott Slade: I can't believe it! Valora Salinas is refusing to quit even with a clearly broken forearm! What determination! What resilience! What bravery!

Chris Rodgers: Hah! What's she planning on doing? Beat them with her floppy arm? She finished Slade! Finished!

The look on Sato's face said it all. Disbelief. The young superstar took up his Jeet Kune Do fighting style and began to dance around the ring. Valora kept her injured arm close to the body and took up a defensive stance moving around the ring circle, keeping Takuma at a distance. Eventually, Sato moved in for an attack, but Valora cut it off with an excellent sidekick that hit Sato in the ribcage. The fans roared as Sato adjusted and landed a front kick of his own to Valora sternum. The blow backed Valora up into the ropes. She used the momentum slingshot herself back toward Takuma, catching him by surprise to land a devastating superkick straight to his chin. The impact rocked him on his feet and knocked him into a daze. Valora then grabbed hold of the martial artist and hit an inverted D.D.T. sending the Latino crowd into a mad frenzy. With Sato prone on the mat next to her, she wrapped her right arm and legs around his head and neck and locked the martial artist into her patented Aztec Clutch submission hold.

Chris Rodgers: How the hell is this possible?

Scott Slade: AZTEC CLUTCH! THE CLUTCH! Valora is going to try to end this with a tap out! It could be her only way out! Wait a minute, here comes Dillinger into the ring!

Dillinger attempted to run in and break the hold on Sato. Referee Bob Sigro shocked the entire world and cut off the rookie's path by belly-to-belly suplexing him into the mat. The fans erupted as Sigro jumped up to his feet and tossed Dillinger over the top just in time to catch Boris Drago with a front kick followed by a jawbreaker. Rage stood in the corner, shaking his head, dumbfounded by what was unfolding before him. Allen Anderson was going absolutely insane, screaming that he'd have Bob Sigro's head for what he'd done.

Scott Slade: It's absolute mayhem! Chaos outside of the ring. Chaos in the ring! Anderson is losing his mind!

Chirs Rodgers: No! No! No!

Meanwhile, Sato's face was turning redder than sundried tomato in the hot sun as he struggled to find a way out of the hold. Sigro turned away from belligerent Anderson and dove to the mat just in time to witness Sato tap out from Valora's Aztec Clutch. The entire arena erupted as Sigro called for the bell. As the timekeeper sounded the bell, "Bring It" by Trapt began to play on the stadium's sound system.



Holly Hudson: ¡El ganador de este partido! Valora Salinas !!!

Scott Slade: What an incredible victory for Salinas. Defying all the odds! Overcoming the injury!!

Chris Rodgers: How does she keep doing this? How?

Sigro helped Valora up off the wrestling mat and raised her hand high in the air. However, the celebration what short-lived as Sokolov, Ivanova, Dillinger, Drago, and Johnny Rage all entered the ring at the same time and attacked both Valora and Sigro. The fans erupted into a storm of boos as the group stomped away on both individuals. With Dresden unconscious on the floor and Sato incapacitated, there was no one there to help Valora or the referee, for that matter.

Scott Slade: This is heinous, despicable, and downright offensive. Salinas and Sigro are being stomped half to death by a group of five, and the highest-ranking official present here tonight is behind it all. How the hell is this legal? Someone call the police to put a stop to this!

Chris Rodgers: Hah! Police? We're in Mexico; you don't think Anderson took care of them!

Scott Scott: Wait, someones is coming through the crowd! It's Reinhardt's!



Chris Rodgers: What the hell are those krauts doing here? No one invited them!

Suddenly Kara and Kronin Reinhardt came out of nowhere from inside the angry crowd and blitzed into the ring, taking on the massive group. Catching them off guard from behind, Kara neutralized both giant Russians with a double low blow to the testicles. Kronin targeted the most significant threat, and German suplexed Johnny Rage onto the back of his head. The fans erupted as Dillinger and Ivanova scattered and slid out of the ring, not wanting to suffer similar fates. Dresden, now back on her feet, slid into the ring and came to Valora aid with a sad look on her face as the Reinhardts called for the medical team. Dresden, furious with what had just taken place, got up off the wrestling mat and immediately began attacking her tag team partner Takuma Sato. She then picked Taku up, folded him up in her arms against her chest, and dropped him hard on his spine with her famous "Bad Magic" drop.

Scott Slade: I was afraid that this would happen. It looks as if the "Young Gun's" partnership is dissolving before our eyes! Dresden taking revenge upon Sato for what he did to Valora!

Chris Rodgers: This is an outrage! There's going to be hell to pay for what those German's just did! Allen will not put up with this sort of insubordination! Hell, Kara isn't even on the roster! Someone arrest her!

Scott Slade: Fan's were almost out of time! Tune in next time... wait just a minute! I'm getting word from our producer that there has been some sort of incident or accident inside the Azteca Stadium's underground parking garage. Fans, we're going to stick with you as long as we can. Our producer told me that he's trying to get a camera crew out there for you as fast as possible.


The live footage cut to the parking garage where a classic 1972 Dodge Charger with flame decals was literally on fire. The front of the vehicle had shockingly been melted into the concrete. Jeremiah Vastrix stood twenty-five yards away from the burning car, breathing heavily. Vastrix's remaining cyborg eye flashed erratically from the discharge he'd released upon the vehicle. Suddenly from out of the smoke and wreckage appeared the Ultimate Wrestling Franchise champion, Huckleberry. The fans roared as they watched the burning carnage on the Ultra-Tron screen.


Scott Slade: My God! I'm not sure what's taken place here, but Huckleberry's car looks to have been involved in some sort of accident and is on fire.

Chris Rodgers: He better high tail it after that stunt he pulled on Jeremiah earlier! That is one pissed off cyborg!


Huckleberry seemed very disoriented as he exited his vehicle, stumbling and bumbling around. Jeremiah rushed in, grabbed him by his mullet, and slammed him face-first into the car's burning chassis. The Huckster let out a scream while holding his face as the hair on his eyebrow went up in smoke. Jeremiah didn't release his hold on the Appalachain as he dragged him over to a parked car and slammed Huckleberry through the passenger side window shattering it the process. The fans inside the Azteca roared and cheered on the cyborg as he took revenge upon hillbilly.

Chris Rodgers: My God! Jeremiah is going berserk! I don't think any of us have ever seen him this mad before!

Scott Slade: Huckleberry has been busted open, is a bloody mess! The car window shredded his face up! Oh man, this is terrible!

Chris Rodgers: This crowd is going insane! I can barely hear you, Scotty.

Jeremiah pulled the bloody Huckleberry out of the parked car and threw him onto the floor. Huckleberry looked afraid for his life as Jeremiah screamed at him to give the eye back to him. Huckleberry crawled backward on the pavement, shaking his head, trying to calm Jeremiah down. His please fell on deaf ears as the cycloptic cyborg continued to move in for another attack. Suddenly, the Benzito's diesel engine's loud monstrous roar echoed through the parking garage, interrupting the fight. Jeremiah turned around to make out that LuLu Biggs was driving the 300-D Mercedez coming right toward him. The squeal of the brakes and tires against the pavement was immense as the pimped out German car slammed into the cyborg sending Jeremiah up over the hood and roof of the vehicle.

Chris Rodgers: Good God, all mighty! Someone just hit Jeremiah with a God damn car!

Scott Slade: What the hell is going on here?


Jeremiah landed hard on the concrete, motionless as the sliding roof opened up on the Benzito. Slick Mick popped up out of the car laughing hysterically at Jeremiah while smoking a massive blunt. The fan's arena erupted in an enormous cacophony of boos after witnessing the vile act. Huckleberry got up off the pavement and opened the rear passenger side door before diving into the back of the car and slamming the door shut. Biggs slammed his foot on the accelerator peddle and peeled out of the parking garage. Jeremiah was left behind broken, bleeding, and busted up as the show's live feed cut off and faded to black.


Looks good, man. Lots of different storylines going into Cuba!

I felt this was a very hype match. The start was very strong, great hype followed by rapid, no-holds-barred escalation. However, I felt like that energy took a big dip between the Valora's first pin attempt on Dillinger and Anderson's ring entry. As I mentioned before, breaking up the narration paragraphs would help. I also felt the action during this section part became very complex and the prose is just too compressed to let me appreciate the technique at display. Extending the descriptions of what is happening would have helped more.

After Allen's entry, I feel the text became easy to read again, and I think the brawl when Abigail got involved was awesome. The commentators and narration described Sato's betrayal of Valora for a bit too long, but I think it was an important point to make nonetheless. Valora's takedown of Sato was great and had me rooting hard for her, I think think it could have been made better by mentioned how her broken arm locked down a good part of her arsenal and got in the way of executing what moves she could still do and then she still won anyways. As it currently was, the broken arm didn't seem to be much of an issue for her after some initial shock and pain.

Vastrix vs Huckleberry, parking lot edition- I liked this section, it was appropriately over the top and managed to escalate over the insanity of the main event brawl. The in media res to Huckleberry's slagged car was an great way to change the scene. That said, all of the characters were already introduced earlier, so I think adding each wrestler's big title picture broke up the visual flow of this section in a less than helpful way. Maybe try to keep post-show segments all-text?

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