Financial Statement for
Ordo Templi Orientis. Corp. # 0914362
P.O.Box 430, Fairfax CA 94978 USA
(415) 454-5176
March 1, 1998 -- February 28, 1999
Royalty & Contracts $59,762.92 Legal $56,358.36
Initiate Dues $50,243.54 Misc.Prt.& Photocopy $16,210.96
All Sales $14,930.32 Archive Acquisition $15,955.55
Initiation Fees $5,180.72 Rent $13,000.00
Donations $2,309.68 Postage & Email $12,555.81
Associate Dues $2,287.00 Travel $11,298.07
Bank Interest $609.79 Office Equipment $10,316.41
=========== Ministerial Allowance $8,333.28
Total Income: $135,323.97 Phone $5,626.25
Production Materials $5,197.89
Ritual & Spec.Events $4,593.24
Total Loss: $44,995.74 Distant Initiations $4,474.72
Utilities $3,858.84
Office Supplies $3,356.35
Labor & Prof.Serv. $2,764.33
Bulk Mail $2,730.83
Publicity $1,293.09
Bank Charges $892.72
Repair & Maintenance $719.94
P.O. Box Rent $382.00
Storage $300.00
Ritual Supplies $84.07
Sales Tax $17.00
Total Expense: $180,319.71
B of A Checking $1,744.50 Personal Accs.Payable $38,837.86
Nations Bank Checking $11.09 Held for USOTO $32,641.19
B of A Savings $88.56 Legal Services Owed $4,683.07
Sterling Account GBP918.22** F.I.R.Royalties $287.84
UK Reserve GBP26,494.66*** Balkan Relief $755.23
Petty Cash $350.00 Rec.& Uncollectable $47,246.50
Stocks & Bonds $339.50 ===========
Fairfax P.O.Account $76.73 Total Liabilities $124,451.69
Pers.Acc.Receiv. $94,492.99
EGC Accounts Receiv. $1,754.44
Office Equip,&Furn. $20,603.55* * Indicates balances
Office Supplies $500.00* obtained
Temple Furnishings $3,783.79* by best estimate.
Initiation Equipment $4,606.76*
Robes & Vestments $650.00* GBP = British Pounds Sterling:
Gold Ring $3,500.00* ** Aprox. $1,500.28
Archives $293,031.71* *** Aprox. $43,289.62
Modern Copyrights $40,000.00*
A.C.Copyrights $1,250,000.00*
Sales Inventory $400.00* William E. Heidrick
============= Treasurer General
Total Assets: $1,760,723.52 Ordo Templi Orientis
Ordo Templi Orientis International
Previous Fiscal Years.
Fiscal Year Income Expense Profit/Loss
98-99 $135,323.97 $180,319.71 $44,995.74 LOSS
97-98 159,069.77 132,052.41 27,017.36 PROFIT
96-97 139,666.57 129,623.29 10,043.28 PROFIT
95-96 88,843.08 101,690.17 12,847.09 LOSS
94-95 85,913.26 77,133.82 8,779.44 PROFIT
93-94 85,898.07 79,280.74 6,617.33 PROFIT
92-93 163,332.22 162,107.96 1,224.26 PROFIT
91-92 70,778.01 76,177.81 5,399.80 LOSS
90-91 58,494.61 62,524.64 4,030.03 LOSS
89-90 45,436.75 48,715.36 3,278.61 LOSS
88-89 65,660.36 53,287.29 12,373.07 PROFIT
87-88 54,557.85 54,241.51 316.34 PROFIT
86-87 28,929.96 29,585.04 655.08 LOSS
85-86 36,471.49 36,809.47 337.98 LOSS
84-85 17,666.33 22,612.56 4,946.23 LOSS
83-84 16,353.77 17,780.29 1,426.52 LOSS
82-83 18,726.41 22,733.49 4,007.08 LOSS
81-82 36,233.21 25,555.84 10,677.37 PROFIT
80-81 11,605.30 11,343.94 261.36 PROFIT
79-80 12,575.01 14,213.30 1,638.29 LOSS
78-79 7,347.57 5,707.82 1,639.75 PROFIT
77-78 4,359.02 3,117.42 1,241.60 PROFIT
N.B. For USOTO separate report, please contact the USOTO GTG. USOTO figures, other than any balance owing between USOTO and OTO international, are not indicated on this report after FY95-96.
Here are the annual demographics of the O.T.O. from International
Headquarters. These membership totals have been obtained from central
accounts at the end of February 1999 e.v.: 3,125 all, 2,678 of which are
ADV ---------------------- 99
Associates -------------- 348
Minervals --------------- 820
Ist Degrees ------------- 670
IInd Degrees ------------ 459
IIIrd Degrees ----------- 307
IVth Degrees ------------ 239
Vth Degrees ------------- 119
Higher Degrees ----------- 64
In the list which follows, all data is drawn from the International mailing
list. Accordingly, the membership counts here are less than the actual total
count, owing to changing and lost addresses.
Known OTO member addresses by regions at end February 1999 e.v.
(Associates and initiates both) Total: 2,950 in 42 countries.
UNITED STATES TOTAL -------------- 1,664
Alabama ------------ 16 Mississippi --------- 3
Arizona ------------ 50 Missouri ----------- 13
Arkansas ------------ 4 Montana ------------- 2
California -------- 344 Nebraska ----------- 16
(North Cal: 164) Nevada ------------- 40
(South Cal: 180) New Hampshire ------- 5
Colorado ----------- 23 New Jersey --------- 33
Connecticut --------- 7 New Mexico ---------- 9
Delaware ------------ 3 New York ---------- 106
Dist. of Columbia --- 3 North Carolina ----- 15
Florida ------------ 51 Ohio --------------- 24
Georgia ------------ 55 Oklahoma ----------- 30
Hawaii -------------- 3 Oregon ------------ 116
Idaho -------------- 11 Pennsylvania ------- 80
Illinois ----------- 37 Rode Island --------- 1
Indiana ------------ 50 South Carolina ------ 4
Iowa ---------------- 3 South Dakota -------- 1
Kansas ------------- 29 Tennessee ---------- 23
Kentucky ------------ 6 Texas ------------- 156
Louisiana ---------- 18 Utah --------------- 20
Maryland ----------- 29 Virginia ----------- 30
Massachusetts ------ 35 Washington --------- 74
Michigan ----------- 32 West Virginia ------- 6
Minnesota ---------- 31 Wisconsin ---------- 16
Wyoming ------------- 1
EUROPE TOTAL ----------------------- 903
AUSTRIA ------------- 1 NETHERLANDS -------- 19
BELGIUM ------------- 2 NORWAY ------------ 101
BULGARIA ----------- 14 POLAND -------------- 2
CROATIA ------------ 92 PORTUGAL ------------ 1
DENMARK ------------ 26 RUSSIA -------------- 2
ENGLAND ----------- 142 SCOTLAND ------------ 7
FINLAND ------------- 4 SERBIA ------------- 84
FRANCE ------------- 20 SLOVENIA ----------- 78
GERMANY ------------ 98 SPAIN --------------- 6
GREECE -------------- 2 SWEDEN ------------ 118
ICELAND ------------- 7 SWITZERLAND --------- 1
IRELAND (N&S) ------- 8 UKRAINE ------------- 1
ITALY -------------- 57 WALES --------------- 2
MACEDONIA ----------- 8
CANADA TOTAL ----------------------- 152
Alberta ------------ 27 Ontario ------------ 50
British Columbia --- 59 Quebec ------------- 14
Manitoba ------------ 1 Saskatchewan -------- 1
OCEANIA & ASIA TOTAL --------------- 145
TURKEY -------------- 1 AUSTRALIA ---------- 90
BAHRAIN ------------- 1 NEW ZEALAND -------- 30
MALASIA ------------- 1 JAPAN -------------- 20
SOUTH KOREA --------- 1 ISRAEL -------------- 1
PANAMERICA (exp. US&CAN) TOTAL ------ 84
BRAZIL ------------- 79 MEXICO -------------- 3
MARTINIQUE ---------- 1 WEST INDIES --------- 1
AFRICA TOTAL ------------------------- 2
SOUTH AFRICA -------- 2
Previous years
2/89 2/90 2/91 2/92 2/93 2/94 2/95 2/96 2/97 2/98
ADV 42 49 54 72 91 90 87 104 118 88
Assoc.194 245 211 273 317 221 246 286 375 223
Min. 403 443 526 605 660 642 706 889 890 898
Ist 358 380 457 483 485 487 573 700 685 727
IInd 173 217 249 291 290 311 378 441 447 451
IIIrd 109 145 178 198 221 226 225 296 325 331
IVth 64 66 80 111 125 160 194 204 212 239
Vth 49 63 65 67 70 66 102 113 107 118
Higher 16 19 24 31 29 35 35 41 57 54
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
Total 1,408 1,627 1,844 2,131 2,288 2,238 2,546 3,074 3,216 3,129
---- TG (Bill Heidrick)