I decided to begin of writing something like diary because i felt so calm from the last time so i will write once a week about my previous week and of course i will continue with the nail art once a weeek.
At Sunday i was in a pretty bad shape and the writing helped me to calm.
Date: Monday the 19th of July 2021
I posted the post about my thoughts, i ate for lunch and then i searched about jobs and actually i found one and i send my resume. They called me in evening and we schedule an interview on Tuesday. I had the feeling that something was wrong because:
- they gave me the address but the store has different address on their official website.
- Also the young lady who called me was friendly, but she didn't gave me any information of how i will find the building, and the train station is far from the address of the building. The only thing that she said it's that i have to take and a bus, but she didn't mention which one.
- She didn't mention where she was calling from, only mentioned the site who i gave my resume. Usually they say the company first.
- In their official website, they ask for employees in their store but it is in a different city.
After the call i went for a walk and i asked from my mom if she would like to come with me. I was sure that she wouldn't come but actually she did.
When i returned back home, i spend some time with Dot before his dinner. I gave some food to some stray cats who they waited under my house.
After that i spend some time in social media until i fell asleep.
Date: Tuesday the 20th of July 2021
I woke up at 08:00 am today. I had to prepared for the interview. Before i take the bus i had to call them to make sure about the location, or if it is a prank.
At 10:30 am i called them at the store which i found the number in their official website. A lady picked up the phone and she answered me with curiosity because the address who the young lady gave me on Monday was wrong. The lady in the official store asked me to give her my name and a number because she was about to ask at the central of the store about my schedule interview.
She called me back after 30 minutes and she told me that no one called me for an interview. But they looking for an employee and i could send my resume in their official website.
When i hung up the phone i realised 3 things about the young lady:
- she gave me wrong address without giving me more information of how i will go there.
- She told me to ask for a guy which his name is Dimitris but he wasn't exist, and
- be careful of where and to who, you give your personal information on the internet.
This day was bad for me because i wanted to go for walking but i fell asleep and i woke up at 21:00 pm, so i didn't do many things today.
The best thing was when i played with Dot before his dinner.
But i had a bad moment. A driver was driving a car very fast in my neighborhood and he/she hit a cat. It was my fault, sort of, because i was talking to the cat and it didn't notice the car. Luckily the driver didn't kill the cat, but the cat run away so i don't know if it is fine.
Date: Wednesday the 21st of July 2021
I can say that i woke up kind of early today.
My day started with some music. After that i ate lunch, and i gave to Dot his lunch too. He loves the wet food, but that food is to give more taste and not eat just that.
When is about food, Dot makes the cutest meow, and he rubs his head on my legs.
I write everything in my notebook first and then i'm typing it on my laptop, it makes it eassier. So after the lunch i wrote 2 days of this post. It took me almost 1 hour.
Then i sent my resume at the store but through the official website. I forgot to mention that the store is about selling clothes, and it's the first company who i found out that they don't ask for experience in marketing, they say that they would like the new employee to have experience but it's not essential.
I sent my resume and then i went with my mom to visit my grandparents. We sat for 1 hour maybe. Then we returned back home and i gave a snack to Dot. I ate for dinner and then i decided to sat on a chair in the balcony for a couple of minutes. I fed Bleen (a stray cat), then Dot for his dinner this time.
Then i fell asleep while i was listening music.
The moon from my grandparents's yard.
A flower from their yard too.
Date: Thursday the 22nd of July 2021
After the lunch i was thinking of what to do today. To listen music or to watch Netflix. And in the evening to create a nail art or to go for walking.
Well, i listen music for almost 2 hours. At 18:30 pm it started the mood to go out. It's like you can't stay inside, you can't stay in the room, you just move around the house. So i had a bath, i turned on the actifit app and i went for a walk.
When i returned back home i gave to Dot a snack and i ate for dinner. Although he just ate, he was acting cute just for some more food but he would eatten his dinner anyway.
After a while i gave to Bleen his dinner.
Then i went to my room and i watched Netflix.
The phone didn't ring today.
Date: Friday the 23rd of July 2021
I woke up and the first thing that i learnt was that i'm invited to a wedding. Perfect timing, without job, nice 😕.
I spend so much time of searching jobs but i haven't found anything yet.
After a while i found only one and i sent my resume. It's 1 hour away from me, but the train station is close to that store, so i don't mind.
I wanted to do more things today but i didn't. I listened to music, i gave to Dot a snack and then i ate for dinner. I spend some time with Dot by playing with his toy.
Today had full moon and i was starring it for a while. Then i gave to Tiger and Bleen their dinner, and Dot's dinner as well.
I'm thinking to create a nail art tomorrow on tip or even to do my nails.
Date: Saturday the 24th of July 2021
The first thing than i think when i woke up is that today i have to do my nails no matter what. I had almost 2 months to see them beautiful and colourful.
So i ate for lunch, i gave to Dot as well and then i went to my room, where i have all of the products for nails. And of course i won't give you any information about the colour or the design because i have prepared "Nail time" post to publish it on Thursday, so stay tuned!!
I had to do them as quickly as i could because i wanted to go out today for walking. I learnt that my mom was about to go to her parents, so instead of walking i went with my mom to visit my grandparents. I did a shower and then we took the bus to go to their house faster. We sat there for 1 hour or even more i don't know, and then we returned back home on feet.
I was sitting on the swing.
I gave to Dot his snack and i ate for dinner. Bleen and Tiger (the stray cats) were waiting for their dinner. I gave them some dry food, but they ate it in less than 3 minutes and they wanted more. I gave them some wet food this time. After a while Dot ate his dinner too.
My day didn't end there. I forgot that i hadn't write anything of this day, so now the time is 03:41 am and i'm still writing. The journey of searching job is keep going without any call.
Anyway, it's late, i have to go to sleep.
Well, my day didn't end there. I couldn't digest so i vomited more than 5 times. The coclusion was food poisoning, because my dad had problem too, but at the next day. I was feeling dizzy all the time, until i fell asleep on 06:15 am.
Date: Sunday the 25th of July 2021
I woke up 07:30 am because my dad called me from his work to check up on me. Yes finally someone found a job! Actually it's for 3-5 days but still is something.
I fell asleep again and i woke up around 11:00 am.
I was fine, like nothing happend. But i ate soup for lunch to be sure and a lot of water to hydrate.
After the lunch i sleep again until 19:00 pm.
I had to write and Dot sat with me at the same chair for company i guess.
Then i went to the balcony to get some air until we ate for dinner. After many days the weather was cooler than usually and i went again to the balcony.
The time passed very quickly and it was time for Dot's dinner. I searched Bleen to give his dinner too, but i couldn't find him. He came from our yard and he ate too. Bleen was meowing loud to let me know that he is here.
I didn't stop the power down yet, i need to get as much money as i can.
I went to my room and i fell asleep.
Photos by @georgia11