Most of us can't even figure out how to make ends meet, some have enough but still want more. We all have our own reasons why and that doesn't make us wrong for thinking too much about it since money is part of our daily lives. But, try to ask yourself: Are you ready when the heaven starts showering you an abundance of blessings? Personally, I am quite skeptical about it. I feel like I will more likely end up doing stupid things again, (including of buying a very expensive dog for a lady who just simply grinds her a$$ on me in a club) history will more likely repeat itself on me, I will just lose something I work hard for.
I used that personal stupid experience of mine to emphasize how stupid we can be whenever money is in our possession. In my search for knowledge on how I can mold and fortify a good attitude for it, I found a very significant information that can help us improve our views towards it and I think this is the right way how I should start my quest for more of this $$$.
"Trust when God says NO" a phrase that I got from the book "Simplify and Create Abundance" by a great spiritual leader and a financial adviser here in our country (Philippines) Mr. Bo Sanchez
Here's my take. Have you come across of thinking why the heaven has been ungenerous to you? Well, picture this: let's say a 16-year-old child come up to his/her parents and say, I have good grades and recognition awards, I deserve a car. If you are the parent of that child will you consider that request? Since they are not that responsible yet and for the risk of an accident, most of us will definitely say NO. That analogy is very simple. God will just simply not allow you to have something that you are not ready to possess yet and something that could harm you.
That analogy made me link the recent released of Ethan Couch. To cut the story short, this spoiled brat killed four people and harm nine others while driving recklessly under the influence of alcohol and drugs. His parents used their money and influence. To protect him, they invoked a very intriguing defense called Affluenza, they insist that their child needs psychological treatment instead of being sentenced to a jail. This raised a lot of eyebrows in the past. Do you see how this become relevant to the lesson I just share earlier and do you see how money can twist what's already wrong?
Money is power and power can influence someone's sense of right and wrong. Power can make someone feel superior than others. It can make you less humane, your empathy to others will decrease, it can make you arrogant and it can make you materialistic to the point that you'll consider money as the most valuable than anything or anyone else.
Now, let us ask ourselves, Is my intention good for acquiring wealth? Do I have a pure and honest purpose for obtaining this power? Will I not harm others when I grasp it? This realization makes me so excited to test myself.
"In conclusion"
Everything and every action have a price-tag, it seems like the air we breathe is the only thing that doesn't cost anything today. (yeah I know it's a cliché haha) To ask for more money is just fair since having enough or more of this can make life better but, we have to be conscious of the fact that wanting more of this can make someone's life worst without the right attitude for it. So we can consider this as a warning or a reminder.
Purify your intentions as the universe will always act upon your thoughts. Most of us are all aware now of the "law of attraction" (thanks for the internet) think of something consistently, crystallize it in your mind and it will eventually become a reality. You may obtain wealth but are you ready for the responsibility that comes with it?
Thank you for reading. I hope this article help you improve your rose tinted glass as well. Cheers!!!
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The finances sure are convoluted. Blessing and a curse at the same time. I do like the philosophy you spoke of. The lord delivers only what you are capable of. So in my new bohemian days of returning to little to no money i should feel blessed. I dont know i hate the stress of being taxed extra cause yer late on payments. Im about to shrug my shoulders at At&t.i have paid soooo much to them at one point i was paying for a girlfriends line and two numbers. It was attrocious. Now i am almost done payin for this blessed iPad pro. I will just get a text now wifi number, nobody calls me and i dont communicate through phonecalls. Sorry i vent. I had lived off of facebook stocks for the last three years but its all gone now, i used the last of it to invest in crypto. I hodl on genesis, hashflare, eobot knowing my shoestring investment will payoff better than the fb stock purchased at 28 a piece. Money. Haha. Is like atp to the cell though. sustenance. DNA feeds off DNA, Wish it was different.
This is the first time someone ever did this to me here in steemit. This is history! lol
The wallet function indeed makes it such that you become your own bank. Check my latest bill.
Irreverant. Haha. Blockchain as a disruptive force. Take that banksters. Im all full of myself but no i have an apptmt with the post office to ebay three parcels. Makin ends meet despite myself
How are your money making prospects? Do you have a job to fall back on or you have a new angle? The crypto is such that one shouldnt bank on it completely. Still have to have that cold hard fiat. Fiat is that paper currency of wherever you reside. Im dollar bills what is the currency called in the phillipeans?
where else can I follow you? you seem very interesting and looks like we have similarities, I wish we can talk in real time.
Right! That's my goal for writing this, to enlighten people :) I hope your new investment with crypto will soar up to the moon and if God permits that to happen, we'll high five then! haha
Most of the people here in our country wish to live the American dream, they didn't know that tax payment is being scrutinized there unlike here. So they don't realize the silver lining of being here. Its okay, I feel you, I have gone through that. I am at discord now @gavinci13 thanks to my new friend @omitaylor for hooking me up. Send me DM there we can continue talking your frustration with your girlfriend. Oh! sorry, correct me if I misunderstood you. are you frustrated paying two lines or with your girlfriend? haha
Ive been single for a few months now. I got mad at her for not reading my communications. Next thing yknow shes with someone new. Its a good thing cause she had horrible narcassistic ways and i ended up suffering Id stick up for myself and what i believe is rght and up getting hurt even more. A real heartbreaker. Im on steemitbc discord server. Lets connect.
Ouch, My story is quite similar to that but that was almost a year now. It was hard but I'm finally over it. However, the aftershock is still strong. i am still caught up in fixing the financial damage that our separation have created.
( i just upvote comment and follow you plz vote comment and follow me for mor vote and comment) i am with you@gavinci13 bro i like your post keep posting like this i will always be with you for saport
cheers! thank you @saovi see you around bro. Hope you are having a great day :)
thanks bro plz vote me and follow me
Excelent Post!!!! Regards. I follow you and vote
With the right tools and good intentions then you be ready with what you have right now. Know how to use them and know where to acquire new knowledge that will be beneficial to you.
Hey @leeart thanks for dropping by with old post. Gettuing attention is not easy to do here. It feels good to see someone noticing your work and your message. Where are you from?
I feel you. That is why engagement is the key and the quality if your posts and comments. Taga Benguet ako 😊. Ikaw ba?
Ayus ah. Pinoy k den pla? hehehe..... Tiga Quezon city ako Primarily. Pero I grew up in San Juan Metro Manila. Because of my nature of work I use to go back and forth of cavite and tagaytay... Steemit is a great place to socialize virtually, plus of course the virtual money we are earning along the way. Do you stay there in Benguet most of the time? What brings you here in steemit if you don't mind me asking? :)
Yes. Born and raised and probably will die here as well haha!
Pinilit (pinilit talaga haha) lang ako ng friend ko join dito. May potential nga sa earning pero di ko pa makita hehe. I like sharing photos and doing some sort of blogs na rin kaya I decided to stick around.
Hahahaha. Well, yeah Let's stick around who knows in the future this steem crypto will go to the moon. Let's just enjoy what we love doing, nothing to lose but to earn satisfaction to things that make us happy. Keep it up! you've made a friend here :)