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RE: Is Our Past Been Edited? - Explaining The Mandela Effect

in #themandelaeffect8 years ago

There is more going on than simply trying to capture a still shot. Some people do have photographic memories. That is something else. But for most of us there is a subjective element. What was being conveyed. The message. The impression. and it enters into our ability to remember. Even smells can trigger memories of what "we experienced" in an event. The exact spelling or pronunciation is not always the most important thing in trying to communicate. It was shock for me to realize while studying advanced mathematics that there is no such thing as a straight line in the physical world. And yet elaborate structures are produced using straight lines. This certainly hints at the ephemeral nature of the world we presently perceive as somehow stable and solid. Look forward to more of your intriguing inquiries into the nature of reality.


there is no such thing as a straight line in the physical world.

Surely you mean in the natural world?

Anyway, like you say, spellings and pronounciations are not the sort of thing we focus on at the time; it is only after the event, that we say; "Hey, it wasn't spelled like that!"
